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May 1, 2005

As always, the Ten Themes Challenge is open and waiting!

Ricky Romaya submitted an essay on Miang, which you can see by clicking on the link to the side or hopping over to the Analysis section. I've linked to Arcana's new fiction project, Suikoden: Pro Patria Mori, which just started - if you like to write or read Suiko fic, this is the place to go. There is a new reference (bara), and three entries have been revised (Zohar, YHVH, and Harut/Marut).

I hope to revise the entire section come summertime, among other things, but plans never last beyond implementation, so we'll see. I've been planning on drawing something for the front page for years, but it'll never happen. :p Partly because I suck at drawing, but mostly because I'm lazy, and no one is willing to enable my slacking.

Additionally, Musia has been pulled down for renovation at the request of its author, Deona Lindholm. I don't have a timetable for the renovation, so if you follow the fic, it'd be best to ask her about it directly.

There's a problem with the tables on the Analysis page in IE. (Stupid IE. -_- I need not make the obvious comment about its source.) Someone gave me a fix, but it'll have to wait a bit longer, so the 'Featured Articles' table is hidden by the one below it. Not that it's a great loss at the moment, but still. Something will be done about it eventually.

This has been a terribly busy semester, and I'm sorry I haven't had time to do as much for the site as I used to. There are plenty of ideas to implement but no opportunity. I've talked before about "finishing" Guardian Angels, but it'll be quite a while, at this rate.

Xenogears and everything in it are copyright Squaresoft. I claim no credit for their work/property. All artwork and stories belong to their respective artists and authors.