Part Two (In Nisan: To Find and To Hold)


Author's note: To clarify, speech are quoted "..." while thoughts are '...' Flashbacks are ~...~ Stars *** mean a change of scenery, another event, or a different story viewpoint.


Anyone who hasn't played or haven't finished the game "Xenogears" is advised not to read this fic as there are spoilers and events referred to in the original story line.


Disclaimer: This is a non-profit work. The characters and such are the property of Squaresoft, except for some individuals, which I created originally. Other than that, this is wholly a Xenogears fanfic.




Nisan, of the three cities now rebuilt on the continent of Ignas, it was considered as the most beautiful. Recolonized a year after Nortune's reconstruction, the city had a religious rather than a political goverment structure. Like Aveh, it has two heads of state. Lady Elhaym, also known as the Great Lady of Nisan, worked hand-in-hand with the Great Mother of Nisan, Mother Marguerite of the Nisan Sect.




It was a pleasant day as usual in Nisan. Margie smiled and took a deep breath, savoring the cool, lightly scented breeze that blew through the city. Her hood was thrown back and rich brown strands waved gently, framing a face both young and lovely.

Several males in the crowd below glanced up appreciatively at her. Sr. Agnes, at Margie's side, gave a small smile of pride, as she looked at her charge. 'Ah dear Marguerite, how much you look more like your mother each day.' She sighed inwardly, bowing her head and looking down. 'Soon, it will be time for you to choose a consort. Even if it isn't Bartholomew, your choice will be honored.' She closed her eyes wearily. 'The line must be continued despite all that has happened.'


"Sr. Agnes..."


Sr. Agnes' eyes snapped open and she glanced at Margie. The younger woman was staring at someone in the crowd.


"Isn't that the magician?"


The sister looked carefully and spotted the tall silver-haired man. He, too, like the rest of them, was waiting for the shuttle from Bledavik. "Yes, it seems to be him. I wonder why he is here."


Margie shrugged and gestured at one of the guards to come to her. "I don't know, but I need to talk to him." She told the guard to bring the magician to the VIP booth. As the guard went to do her bidding, she turned to her companion. "We haven't seen him since the ball, and Dan and the others are worried about him." She remembered the conversation with the children.


~ Dan, Primarea and Midori looked up at them, concern in their young faces. Dan shook his head and insisted, "Are you sure there is no sign of him?! We saw him go into the stage with those monsters after him!" Primarea and Midori nodded at his statement.


Rico frowned and then nodded. "I checked the back. All I could find were some very dead Wels and Reapers. There was no sign of the magician."


Sigurd tilted his head slightly, trying to recall something. "I remember Daniel commenting about him having to go away for while." He shook his head with a tired sigh. "But that was all he said before..."


Citan pushed up his glasses with a finger, his hand against his mouth. "If that is the case, then we will have to wait for Daniel to recover before we can find the magician." He smiled reassuringly at them. "Do not worry. He is healing quite well."


Fei nodded and smiled as well. "I'm sure he will be fine." He looked seriously at the children. "I think the magician's alright too. You saw the way he handles knives, didn't you? Those monsters don't have a chance."


Bart grinned at his friend. "Funny, I seem to recall you weren't so confident of his skill."


Fei glared at Bart while Elly rolled her eyes upward. Billy shook his head and kneeled beside Primarea. "I'm sure he's fine. We'll know soon enough."~


"But Daniel has not awaken yet, has he?" Sr. Agnes asked as she followed the guard's progress through the crowd.

Margie shook her head. "No, he hasn't. Sigurd promised he'd inform all of us if he had." She smiled, looking intently as the pale-haired man turned to the guard. "It's him alright. Dan and the others will be glad to know that he's alright."


Her companion looked at her with a questioning frown. "Do you think he knows about Daniel's condition?"



The man known as the magician nodded at the guard's request and followed him to the VIP booth. Several women in the crowd smiled at him as he passed them by. Even with his distinguishing ears carefully concealed by his long hair, he exuded sexuality like a beacon


Margie looked at him appreciatively as he approached them with a smile of greeting on his austere face. "Your friends were right to be concerned about those ears of yours."


He chuckled softly as he took her hand and kissed it. Margie blushed and Sr. Agnes gazed disapprovingly at him as he too took her hand in greeting. He smiled at her and squeezed her hand instead of the kiss. "Do not worry, Sister. I assure you I have no dishonorable intentions."


"You better not have any," Sr. Agnes said primly, taking her hand back.


Margie laughed, looking at them with amusement. "Stop it, you two." The two of them were at a stand-off. The magician with a faint smile on his face, Sr. Agnes with a serious frown. Finally, Sr. Agnes shook her head with a laugh. "Alright, but I'm keeping an eye on you."


The magician laughed, then sobered, looking at Margie. "I'm certain you didn't have me come up here to perform magic tricks." His blue eyes gazed at her seriously. "Is there something wrong?"


Margie sighed and glanced at Sr. Agnes before telling him.




"What is his condition now?" The magician asked. He was staring at the sky. Margie frowned slightly at his lack of concern. "For now, he is in a coma for the last four weeks or so."


He nodded and turned to her, his face in a frown. His azure-highlighted eyes gleamed in the sunlight. 'There was something very familiar about him,' thought Margie as she looked at him carefully. He looked back at her. Suddenly, he smiled reassuringly. "Do not be too concern about Daniel. He is just sleeping."


"How do you know that?" asked Sr. Agnes rather tritely. She too like Margie had become uncomfortable with his attitude concerning Daniel.


"I know Daniel well. He will awaken soon."


"I hope so." Margie gave him a small smile. "At the very least, Dan and the others will be glad to know that you are alright. They were quite worried when you just disappeared from Bledavik.


He nodded. "I'm please to hear that they are fine as well. Please tell them I'm sorry I worried them. I had other things to attend to."


Margie was curious about what he had to do, but decided not to pry into his business. She asked instead about another thing that had been bothering her. "How exactly did you managed to survive those Wels and Reapers chasing you anyway?"


He grinned, revealing even white teeth. "Let's just say that Daniel and I know a thing or two about surprising and ambushing a superior number of enemies."


Before Margie could ask another question, a guard hurried to her side. "Yes?"


"With respects, Great Mother of Nisan. The shuttle from Blevadik will be arriving in five minutes."


"Thank you, Sergeant." The guard nodded and went back to his post. Margie turned back to her companions. The magician nodded at her. "I better go back down. I bought a ticket to Bledavik." He smiled slightly. "I'll visit Daniel when I get there."


"I'm sure he'll be glad you're there, even if he's still sleeping."


"He'll know I'm there," he said enigmatically, before turning away.


"Wait." He glanced back, a questioning look on his face. "Could you at least tell us your name?"


"You don't really expect us to keep referring to you as the "magician" now, do you?" Sr. Agnes quipped.


He smiled slightly. "Why not? Names are unimportant to me. But if it helps... Samuel." A mischievous gleam appeared in his eyes. "White, Samuel White."


"I can see why," Margie replied, unable to keep a serious face. 'He was certainly an unusual man, but he and Daniel seem to be close.' She watched as he disappeared into the milling crowd.


"What a strange man." Margie turned to Sr. Agnes. "I cannot see how he could be so unfeeling where his friend is concern."


Margie shrugged with a smile. "He's confident about Daniel's recovery, and they seem to know each other well."


" Still,I cannot imagine Daniel and that man having anything in common."


'Sister is right about that. Those two were so different from one another, like night and day.' Margie shook her head to clear her thoughts. 'Now was not the time to worry about such matters. The shuttle will be arriving soon.'




The crowd cheered as the first ever Nisan-Blevadik shuttle arrived into the station. As the transport gently halted into a stop besides the boarding platform, Margie and her staff walked through the crowd on the red carpet, which led to the shuttle's first car. Guards and the velvet ropes kept the spectators at bay as they applauded the opening of the Bledavik-Nisan route.


The shuttle doors opened and passengers from Bledavik to Nisan poured out, adding to the crowd population. They, along with the Nisan passengers, waited as the shuttle's VIP doors slid opened and out stepped the hereditary heir to the Fatima throne, King Bartholomew Fatima of Aveh.



Bart grinned as Margie stared at him in surprise. He walked towards her with his honor guard following after, waving at the cheering people.

"Great Mother of Nisan," he greeted seriously but with an amused look in his eye. "It is an honor to be here."


Margie continued looking at him, her mouth slightly opened in shock, until Sr. Agnes nudged her, a pleased smile on her face. "Oh ah... Your Majesty, we of Nisan are pleased as well with your presence here in our city."


As the two of them walked together toward the waiting vehicle, which would take them to Cathedral, their entourages following them close behind; Margie whispered to Bart. "Bart, what are you doing here? Sigurd's supposed to be the one to handle this."


Bart murmured back, a grin on his face, "Sig's a bit busy so I thought I'd do him a favor and take care of you instead, brat."


Margie glared at him. "You could at least have told me you were coming instead."


"I didn't I do that? Hmm... I must have forgotten."


Margie sighed in exasperation as they neared the hovercar, a survivor from Solaris' wreckage. It had been recycled and reused, like many of the equipment used nowadays. This particular hovercar was luxurious, possibly once the prized possession of a first-class Solarian citizen, now utilized as part of the official transportation of the Nisan elite.


Bart took a small step back and gestured for Margie to go inside the limo first. As Margie seated herself, she looked at Sr. Agnes, but the latter shook her head and nudged Bart to go in as well. When Bart got in, she quickly closed the door, gesturing for the driver to proceed.


Margie sighed as the car pulled away. The distance from the station to the cathedral didn't really made the transport necessary, the crowd gathered on the streets deemed it so. People outside waved and cheered as they passed them by at a snail's pace. There was little doubt of the general opinion of the populace concerning their leaders.

Margie glanced at Bart, who looking at her with a smile on his face. "What are you so happy about, Bart?"


Bart's smile widened and he leaned towards her, his expression mischievious. "I remembered another place where we can go stargazing." His cousin stared at him in shock as he continued. "We used to go up to the bell tower too, remember?"


Margie stared at him in disbelief. "Are you telling me that you came here just because you wanted to go stargazing?"


"No, of course not," She looked back at him, his face was solemn this time. "I came here to see you as well."


Her eyes widened at his statement and she coughed, struggling to keep a giggle from escaping her throat. She failed.


Bart frowned at her. "You know, a lot of women would just love to hear me say those words to them."


"A lot of other women, Bart," Margie corrected, having recovered her breath and her wit. "I know you too well to fall for your lines. Besides..." Her mouth curving slightly as an eyebrow arched in question. "I wouldn't want Sabela to get the wrong impression of our relation, dear cousin."


Bart leaned back against the leathered seat with a dramatic sigh. "She and I broke up."


He didn't see his cousin's face softened with compassion as she instinctively placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Bart."


He looked back at her with surprise at the misinterpretation, a retort on the tip of his tongue til he saw the genuine sadness in her eyes. Bart frowned at her, his good eye narrowing on Margie's face. 'She wasn't pretending?!' "Margie," he tilted his head at her, "you really mean that, don't you?"


Margie blinked in surprise as she looked back at her cousin. "Of course I do, Bart!" She frowned as well, withdrawing her hand. "I want you to be happy."


Bart shook his head. 'Sometimes she could be a bit dense.' "Sabela isn't going to make me happy, Margie. I'm the one who broke with her, not the other way around."


"But you said..." Margie's eyes narrowed in realization. "Oh, I see..." She shook her head back at him. "That's my Bart alright. The love-em then leave-em King of Aveh."


"Hey, I never said I loved them."


"You know exactly what I mean, Bart."


"Oh yeah... Just exactly what do I know that you mean?"


Margie was about to retort when she saw the teasing glimmer in his eye. She snapped her mouth shut and glared at him. It was her way of saying that she wasn't about to dignify that question with a remark, literally.


"Uh oh..." Bart said, a grin on his face. "I guess I'll have to guess exactly what you meant by the phrase "love-em." His voice turned seductive as he placed an arm over Margie's shoulders. "Do you mean cause I held their hands or place my arm around them like so..."


Margie tensed as Bart touched her hair. She continued glaring at him and edged away as he leaned closer to her. It was fortunate that the windows were one-way otherwise... His arm stilled her progress as he took her hand in his, caressing her fingers with his thumb. His grip tightened as she tried to pull away. His expression was mischievous as he lifted her hand to plant a kiss on her palm.


"...exactly what to you mean by loving them, Margie?"


Margie, still glaring at him, shifted her gaze to her entrapped hand. "Can I have my hand back now?"


Bart's face was triumphant as he released her hand. He shifted in shock however when her hand ran a seductive course down his chest. He straightened abruptly, looking down as she brushed his thigh.


"If you really want to know what I mean..." Bart lifted his head to find that Margie had leaned very close to him. Her eyes were dark as she traced his jawline with a finger. His mouth dropped in amazement. "Margie..."


Her mouth was hot against his as she kissed him. Bart groaned softly when her tongue began teased playfully with his. Her hand held his face close to hers as the other lightly caressed his loins. His eye closed as he kissed her back, but just as quickly as she had surprised him, she released him.


Bart lay back against the seat, breathing harshly. He stared numbly at her as she grinned, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "That's what I mean by loving, Bart. Of course," she paused to rest more comfortably in her seat and at a safer distance from her stunned cousin. "... a lot more so," she finished. She stifled a laugh at the expression on Bart's face. "You look just like the time when you found out that someone had swiped your all clothes while you were swimming in the reservoir."


Bart stiffened, anger and embarrassment warring with shock. "You! You were the one who did that!" This time he was the one who glared at her, that memory from long time ago coming back in full force. Margie just grinned at him, unconcerned.


"I told you not to do it. That was the city's water supply."


"You know the water still gets filtered before people actually drink it."


"That's beside the point. How would the people feel knowing that you swam in their water, your highness?"


Bart paused, carefully considering her. He frowned and as his eye narrowed dangerously. "You didn't tell anyone about that, did you now Margie?"


'She knew! Should have known it was her. I never did find out who took my clothes.'


"Don't worry, Bart." She smiled teasingly at him. "I just did that to teach you a lesson." She laughed, a soft peal of good will and humor that cut through the dark cloud of emotions that hung over her companion. She didn't see Bart's face softened then tightened in determination as she continued, "You never did went swimming in there again after that little incident."


Bart's expression darkened. "You should be happy I'm a fast learner. Despite my abrupt swimming lessons, I was able to swim the whole of the Bledavik water system and rescue your sorry hide!"


Margie's eyes widened and she looked down shamefully. "Oh yeah, you did have to go through all that." She bit her lower lip, partly to present a more penitent image and partly to keep a smile from forming. "I am sorry Bart."


Bart saw the sides of her mouth twitch. "You don't mean that at all!"


She looked back at him, her mouth opened slightly in hurt surprise. "Of course I do, Bart." Her eyes lowered to focus on the seat between them. "I'm sorry I caused so much trouble for you."


Her voice was soft, a tinge of sorrow in it. Bart looked at her carefully. A frown marred his forehead as he realized that she truly meant what she said. "Margie..."


"I'm sorry you had to rescue me again..."


"Margie! I meant about the swimming incident!"


"Oh that!" She looked back at him, the teasing twinkle back in her eyes. "Nope, I don't regret doing that at all."


Bart growled threateningly as Margie raised her hands protectively in front of her.


"Excuse me, Mother Marguerite, your highness Fatima." Both of them turned to the speaker connecting the passenger cabin with the driver compartment. "We will be arriving at the cathedral soon."


Margie glanced cautiously at Bart as she pressed the speaker button. "Thank you, Roger." '... for saving me as well,' she added silently. "Well Bart," she said, looking back at him. "We will have to finish this discussion some other time."


"You've got another thing coming if you think you can get away from this that easily," Bart declared, folding his arms over his chest. He looked just like a petulant child. He glanced at her when she made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a laugh.


"Bart, that was years ago. Don't worry, it will be our little secret. Okay?"


Bart's expression suddenly lit up with an idea. The eyebrow over his good furrowed as he looked intently at her. "Just like the kiss you just gave me?" The teasing tone was back in his voice.


Margie shook her head at him. "Oh no, you're not going to hold that against me. You started it."


"You brought up the topic first." He leaned towards her, his demeanor suddenly sensual. Margie's eyes widened as she instinctively leaned away from him. "Besides, I didn't kiss you, you did."


She closed her eyes as Bart brushed her lips with his. 'What am doing?' The thought ran through his mind as he lifted a hand to touch her face. As his fingers caress the side of her face, she turned her head slightly to rub against his fingertips. 'What am I doing?!' He had thought to teach her a lesson, figuring that his earlier uncontrolled reaction to her was due to the shock that she would kiss him like that. He would show her that nobody, not even her could play with him like that. All thoughts of making her pay for the trick fled when his lips met hers.


'She is so soft.' His other hand brush against her breast as he placed it on the back of her neck, tilting her head slightly to kiss her more fully. His fingers ran through the silky strands of her shoulder-length hair. 'So warm...' Bart moaned softly when Margie suddenly opened her mouth to his, kissing him back. Her hands reached up to frame his face, holding it against hers. Her fingers felt hot against his skin. "Margie..."


Cool air suddenly replaced the warmth of her lips as she pushed him away. Bart's fingers instinctively tightened in her hair, making her wince in pain. "Bart, let go of my hair."


He remained silent as he gazed back at her, an expression of wonder on his face. His other hand moved towards her face, but she shook her head, wincing at the same time. She refused to look at him. "This isn't the right time or place. We're almost at the cathedral."


Bart blinked and slowly released her. He looked intently as Margie turned away from him, running a hand through her hair; the other flipping down a small hidden mirror in the ceiling. She looked at her face carefully while taking a make-up kit from a bag. Bart recognized it as the one that Sr. Agnes usually carried around when with Margie.


He shook his head and took deep breaths to calm himself while Margie busily repaired what damage he did to her appearance. 'Never knew Margie wore make-up.' He frowned slightly. 'Come to think of it. I didn't know she could kiss like that.' A soft sigh escaped from him as he recalled. 'And boy, can she kiss!"



Margie fought to keep from blushing as she concentrated on fixing herself up. 'That Bart! Of all the times to do that...'


"Margie?" She tensed and breathed deeply. She finished and replaced the kit before turning back to him. Her expression was carefully blank as she looked at him. 'Why is he looking at me like that?' She wondered at his unreadable expression, anything to keep her mind off the embarrassment. 'I shouldn't have kissed him like that in the first place!'


"Yes Bart?" 'Well, he started it with his flirting!'


His eye was dark, quite different from the bright shade it usually was. His voice was calm. "You're quite a kisser, Margie," he stated quietly.


Margie finally blushed, even make-up couldn't cover the appealing flush that stained her cheeks. She looked down and didn't notice that Bart's face had tightened at her reaction to his statement.


"So..." She finally looked back at him, her discomfort still obvious. "Who's the lucky guy?"


Margie's jaw dropped open in shock, her embarrassment forgotten as another emotion took its place, indignation. Before she could reply to that, Bart continued. "You obviously learned how to kiss like that from someone. Who is he?"


In Margie, anger at his presumption warred with delight that he thought her as "quite a kisser." 'Oh Sweet Sophia! He thinks I have a lover?!' Her eyes narrowed as she looked back at him, the former emotion had won the battle. "That is none of your business."


"It is too! I'm your guardian, remember?"


"Bart, I'm not a child anymore and you are not my "keeper."


"Well, you sure as hell need one; losing your virginity to... Who is he?!"


"Don't lecture to me about "losing virginities!" You're the one with the multiple girlfriends."


Bart paused, gritting his teeth. "I repeat, Margie, who is he?!"


She glared at him, fighting the hurt that suddenly sprang within her. 'How could he...' Determination flooded her features as she lifted her head defiantly. "That is for me to know and for you to never find out."


The hovercar halted at their destination before Bart could retort back. Margie silenced him with a sad tired look. 'What happened?' She shook her head wearily as the door opened. She could see Sr. Agnes and the others outside. She sighed softly as she placed a false smile on her face. Bart didn't even bother as he got out first though he had the courtesy to wait and help her out. As she took his hand, she took a discreet look at his face. 'Damn! Should have told him the truth right off. Why did I have to be so proud?!' She thought as they walked into the cathedral, people around them cheering and waving. She nodded at them and tried to keep on smiling, but noticed Sr. Agnes looking worriedly at them. Some people though couldn't be fooled.


The hurt had since turned into a painful ache, the anger now gone though indignation still lingered within her. 'I hope,' she wished fervently, 'that I have the courage to end this game soon.' She glanced up at her cousin's dead serious expression. 'How did this happen? Bart...'



Far down south from Nisan, across the channel separating the small city-state from Aveh, in the capital city of Bledavik. In a room of the castle's medical center, a man lay quietly in a medbed. His breathing was slow and even, indicating a deep sleep. Nothing to be concern about were not for the fact that he had been in this state for too long a time to simply be asleep.


His face was calm, innocent in its visage. His skin, a natural Aveh tan, was pale and taut over high cheekbones. His weight had been steadily dropping despite the nutrient supplements continually injected into him. The medics had been quite concerned with his continued existence and kept the patient monitored around the clock.


The door opened and his nurse came in. She was a plump elderly matron who had taken a liking to the young man. He reminded him of her son who had died in that unfortunate war with Kislev. Despite that she had never been formally introduced to the Prime minister's aide, she felt a responsibility to him that did not merely stemmed out of professional ethic.


She went over and checked the monitors before going to his side. She smiled fondly as she looked down on him. A wayward lock of ebony hair caught her attention and she brushed it from his forehead, tutting about him needing a haircut. His normally trimmed hair had since outgrown its usual proportions.


The nurse reached out to touch the thick mane. "Dear boy, you've got hair that any girl would be envious of." She loved talking to him, feeling that he actually heard her idle chatter. She wondered if she should give him a haircut. A knock on the door interrupted her reverie. A fellow nurse opened the door and poked his head in.


He saw her and entered the room. She smiled at her husband as he came over to stand by her side.


"So this is the young lad you've been mooning over, eh?" He said jokingly, looking at his "competition" carefully.


His wife of thirty or so years nudged him playfully, a loving smile on her wise face. "You think I'll leave you for a young, handsome invalid?"


"Hmm, could never tell what goes in that dirty mind of yours?"


She glared at him in mock warning as he went over to the monitors. "For goodness' sakes, Hal. He's in a coma. What do you think I am?"


"That never stopped you before."


"Oh you..." But she broke off, shaking her head at him. Her husband chuckled as he looked at the reading output. "So when do you think he'll wake up?"


She sighed softly as she turned back to her patient. "No one really knows. The doctors have been real puzzled with his case. Says he's not really in a coma, just sleeping."


"Sleeping? No one sleeps that long. He must be in coma."


The elderly couple talked for a few more minutes before going out. Their shift had ended a while ago and they rather reach home before sunset. The desert may be extremely hot when the sun's up, but no native of Aveh in his right mind would want to be out at night. The desert can get extremely cold in a very short time.


The room where the patient stayed was sealed off from the harsh Aveh climate as was most of the hospital, relying on a central air-conditioning system instead. Windows and other such openings were usually closed, except in emergencies.


The medical facility was located on the south-western corner of Bledavik Castle, a structure that had been constructed to take the punishment of its harsh environment. Nothing is perfect however, as a window suddenly cracked open, buffeted by the desert wind. What was it said about an aerodynamics theory, that the faster the speed of air, the lower its pressure. So it’s never a good idea to close windows and doors during a windstorm because of the slower air speed and thus higher pressure within.


In Bledavik's case, shutters were quite essential, it’s not a good idea to leave glass and transparent windows and especially openings without protection against unpreditable strong desert gales. Shutters usually open to the horizontal, left and right. Whether to let them swing inward out outward is the designer's jurisdiction. Outward swing is preferred because the wind pushes against its swing, keeping it close, as oppose to the inward swing. So it's not so surprising that shutters in the castle were designed to swing outward. To the theory stated above though, it doesn't work as well.


Of course, there is no problem if there is a glass or any transparent material behind the shutter. In this case however, there was no such because it was presumed unneeded since the windows will be kept closed most if not all the time. And considering the fact as well that time and cost efficiency were essential in the Rebuilding, the designers couldn't be blame for the window opening. It's not fatal after all, besides the wind will most likely shut it close again.


And to the small bird that squeezed through the tiny opening, it was indeed fortunate that the window had opened.


Prism glided towards the bed and landed on the man's shoulder. It chirped softly as if not to awaken him. After which, the little bird quickly flew back out the window before the wind closed it.


Daniel shifted slightly, his nostrils flaring as he suddenly exhaled sharply. On the monitors, the sudden rise in breathing and heart rate was recorded but only for an instant. He murmured a word before going back to sleep. "Samuel..."




Bart resisted the urge to slam his fist into a wall, opting instead to kick a hassock. The innocent furniture piece flew into the air and knocked over a small table. The flower vase on it shattered as it hit the floor. The flowers scattering over the glass shards as perfumed water spilled into the carpet.


"Shit!" Bart cursed as he went over to clean the mess up. He cursed again as he cut a finger on a particularly sharp piece and instinctively sucked the injured appendage.


His jaw tightened, as he tasted his blood. He closed his eye wearily as he forgot the mess and went into the bedroom of his suite. "I need a shower," he muttered.


His luggage had already been brought into his room and he quickly opened the one bag he brought and pulled out a change of clothes before heading for the bathroom.


'That Margie!' He thought as he undressed and stepped into the shower. He turned the knob and icy cold water poured on him. He shivered and leaned against the wall, letting the water ran over his body, letting it take away the anger, the frustration, the hurt. 'Hurt?!' He winced, where did that thought come from. 'I'm not hurt! I'm just...' Bart frowned and wrenched his eyepatch away, letting the water flow over that eye as well. 'I'm her guardian! She should have told me! I'm responsible for her!' His hands clenched as he wondered who her lover was.


'I'm going to rip his guts out!' He quickly and efficiently washed himself as his mind thought up one torture after another for his rival. 'Rival?! What am I thinking?!' He gritted his teeth as he rested his forehead against the wet tiles of the shower. "I'm not jealous," he whispered, wanting to knock some sense into his head. "I'm just protective," he reasoned. 'That's right...' "She's like a sister to me. I've known her since we were kids."


'Well, you certainly weren't kissing her in a platonic manner a while ago.' Bart groaned softly as he remembered; the way her mouth burned against his, the look in her eyes as she kissed him, the way her... He shook his head violently as he felt the throbbing ache at the junction of his thighs. 'Dammit, I'm in the shower!' He hissed as he turned a smaller knob, only to realize that it was already at its lowest setting. "What I wouldn't give to be at the Snowfields right now!"


He took a deep breath and willed his body to relax. Slowly, the pounding of his heart eased as well as his libido. 'Deus is a hell a lot more easier to face than her!' When his body was calm enough, he toweled himself dry, instead of using the dryer. He wanted to remain as cool as possible.


Bart dressed quickly and combed his hair, tugging at his collar when he realized he was in one of his white ceremonial shirts instead of his preferred red ones. "I'm definitely not thinking well." He muttered, deciding not to change. 'Especially since I'm talking to myself.'


He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, lifting a hand to touch his wounded eye. Only Sig had ever seen his eye as well as the doctor who had treated them. The latter had already passed away a long time ago. Actually, it really didn't look quite bad, but he still preferred to wear the eye-patch. It made him look more rakish and he felt closer to Sig. He had been the one who persuaded the older man to wear the patch, wanting to have something in common with the man he had grown to admire and love like an older brother, only to find out later that he was actually his half-brother.


Bart carefully replaced the eye-patch and considered his reflection. He looked even more like a pirate with his hair unbraid. His hands automatically reached back to braid his hair. 'I always wanted to a "man of the sea."' He smiled slightly, remembering the favorite saying of the Thames Captain. 'When ever did I start braiding my hair?'


He frowned slightly as a memory came back.


~"C'mon Bart... Pretty please let me fix your hair." Margie looked pleadingly at her older cousin, her hands clasped together. "I promise to do a good job."


"No way brat!" Bart yelped, fighting the urge to protect his hair. The little imp had positively ruined Sig's hair. The other wasn't showing his face in public yet. "Do your own hair. I saw what you did to Sig's hair!"


"It was an accident! Besides, it's only temporary. It will turn back to a pretty silver again."


"No! There is no way I'm going to let you near my hair." He stepped back away from her.


"I promise I won't put anything in your hair. I won't even cut it like I did with Maison's."


Bart winced, recalling Maison's shredded hair. "Why can't you bother with your own hair or find some other girls' hair to play with?"


"Cause mine's too short, mom and grandma's hairs don't need fixing and I don't have any girlfriends my age around here!" Margie sniffed and looked ready to cry.


Bart groaned softly. He didn't want her to cry! He quickly went to her and bend down to look at her face-to-face. "Don't cry, Margie." He patted her shoulder nervously. "Why do you want to bother with my hair anyway? You said you wouldn't do to it like what you did to Sig's and Maison's. What else could you do?" He forced himself not to wince. 'What other damage could she do?!'


Margie smiled at him and reach out to touch his blonde hair, blinking near tears away. "You've got such beautiful hair, Bart. I just want comb it and fix it up."


"Fix it up?"


"You know, tying and putting ribbons on it and so." Bart nearly fell over. 'Ribbons?!'


"I promise it will be real good. You'll see...~

Bart put his hands down, his hair was already braided. He had gotten used to it that way. A small grin played with his lips as he recalled Sig and Maison's expressions on the "good job" that Margie did to his hair.


~"Margie did that?!" Sig's expression was outraged. "I still haven't gotten all the black tonic out of my hair!"


Bart suppressed a chuckle. Sig did look kinda funny with black and gray streaks in his silver hair.


Maison sighed, automatically reaching up to pat top of his head. His hair had since grown back to normal, but he still had that habit of making sure it had indeed grown back.


Bart grinned as he turned towards them from the profile position he had used to show off his "fixed up" hair. "Guess this means that Margie likes me best, huh?"


Sigurd and Maison both glared at him. "It is bad manners to gloat, young master." Maison's voice was not in its usual disciplinary tone. In fact, he sounded rather threatening.


Sigurd's smile was definitely dangerous. "Say, Maison. I think there is still some of that hair dye left...~


Bart winced. 'Okay... So maybe it wasn't that funny.' He sighed dramatically. 'She got me into trouble again!'


'But I have to admit to myself... I honestly still like her. Despite the hair incident... and the swimming incident and others, I don't want her to change... I love her the way she is...' Bart tensed as he remembered. 'Except this boyfriend of hers, who ever he is! That's the last straw!'



Margie looked at the stars in the desert sky. The pinpoints of light twinkled at her as if they too were watching her. 'They are so beautiful.' A child's rhyme found its way into her thoughts.


Look at the stars in the night

Know that God is in their light

Be not afraid of the darkness then

Remember the brightness within


She closed her eyes and savored the refreshing night breeze from the lake. This was one of the things she loved about Nisan. The ever present wind that continually blows through the city. Aveh has its winds as well, but never that gentle quality. She took a deep breath. 'And never the fragrance as well.'


The scent came from the many flower gardens that dotted the city. Flowers thrived in the rich Nisan soil, so much so that it was not surprising to see delicate blossoms growing in unexpected places: cracks in the streets' cobblestones, at the borders between roads and buildings, even on rooftops, practically any place fertile enough to support them. The citizens of Nisan had long since wisely chose to allow the flowers to grow where they pleased, deciding instead of making the plants follow human habitation, to let the city design complement nature's jewels. In fact, Nisan was often referred to as the Garden City, especially during springtime when the flowers were in full bloom. Even during other seasons, the carefully planted trimmed hedges surrounding the city and the ever-present greenery within made Nisan look like an enormous garden instead of the metropolis that it is. Shevat and Solaris in their heights, both literally and philosophically, never had the feel of belonging and timeless elegance that was a constant in the atmosphere of the small city-state.


Beyond the sea north of the desert

Over the mountains west of the plains

Having God's grace and Nature's blessing

Lies a city of dreams

With a lake for a crown

And a jewel at its center

Margie opened her eyes and leaned against the balustrade that surrounded the interior of the cathedral's bell tower. The tower was not yet completed; its bells still to be installed. There was nothing in the tower's central well except a rope that hung from a pulley attached to the roof beams, where the bells would be placed. For now, only a railing kept a passerby from accidentally falling into the well. To Margie, that steel framework looked all too slender, especially since she knew how long a drop it was to the bottom.


She shivered, not because she had a fear of heights, but because this was where Bart had wanted to go stargazing.


'Bart...' Margie idly twirled a tendril of hair around her finger. 'He looked so... unBart-like tonight. So serious. He didn't even smile once at me. Only to me anyway, to others he was as charming as ever!'

She exhaled sharply, feeling a tug of hurt mixed with anger. 'Demanding to know who my lover was! And he still flirted with other women.' She moaned softly. 'Oh, why am do I even care what he does! He's just... so unfair!'


She had made up her mind to tell him the truth about her "lover," only to find him ignoring her at the reception tonight. Her stomach clenched, remembering how other women had clustered about him, and him enjoying their attentions.


Only her pride had kept her from going to him. Her initial impulse to immediately tell him the truth crushed under anger and indignation. Margie clenched her eyes closed, fighting the tears that threatened to overwhelm her. 'I'm not a child anymore! I got over my crush on him a long time ago.'


She bit her lower lip as she stared back at the stars. Why did she feel this way then? This burning ache in her chest, the choking sensation in her throat, this pain in her stomach. 'I know these feelings...' Margie's eyes reflected back the starlight as she recalled.


~ Her dreams had just ended. Margie raised her head from the soaked pillow. She had been shedding tears into it for the past hour or was it more or less. She didn't really know nor care.


'Why Bart?! How could you do this to me?' She buried her face back into the pillow. She had just seen Bart kiss someone else. She sobbed again. Margie didn't really know the other woman though she had heard rumors that Bart was dating her. Of course she didn't want to believe it, but it might be true.


She had been on her way to Bart's room to ask him when she heard giggling from just around the corridor. She had paused, embarrassed and was about to turn back when she heard Bart's voice.


Margie didn't really want to find out. There was much truth in the saying "Ignorance is bliss." However, she didn't want it that way with Bart.


Gathering her resolve, she edged forward and peeked around the corridor. That was when the pain hit her. Bart was in a passionate embrace with a dark-haired woman, his mouth pressed tight against hers.


She really couldn't remember what happened next. Just flashes of her choking back a sob, running to her room. She recalled crashing into somebody. Couldn't remember who it was, only that memory of Bart kissing someone else playing over and over again in her mind like a stuck recorder.


"Bart..." Margie whispered as she finally got out of her bed. 'I won't solve anything lying in bed.' She went to the bathroom and washed her tear-stained face. As she dried herself, she found herself staring at her reflection. She looked at her wretched appearance and fought back another sob. 'No wonder Bart won't even look at me. I look awful.'


Margie went to stand in front of a full-length mirror. The image of her was that of a slender, all-together too youthful girl. She recalled the voluptuous figure of the other woman and sighed. She felt like stamping her feet in frustration. 'Why am I so thin?! Why can't I be sexy?!' She glared at herself. 'Look at my face! I still look like a child!'


Tears sprang again to her eyes and not holding them back, she threw herself back into her bed. She cried until sleep mercifully numbed her mind and her heart. ~


"Oh God..." Margie whispered, shaking her head and blinking back tears. She had almost forgotten the pain she had went through over Bart.

'But I got over him.' Margie puzzled through her memories. 'I had come to accept him as he is. I wanted him to feel the same way as I did... but forcing others to love was never the right course to take... especially in matters of the heart.' She tilted her perspective and focused on the cityscape before her. Nisan looked as beautiful at night as it did in day.


But Margie's thoughts were elsewhere other than the scenery. 'When was it that my feelings for Bart change? I still do love him, but not in the same way as before. When?'


~ Nortune was a city of steel and smoke. So unlike Bledavik and Nisan, but it was a beacon of hope, a starting point in Rebuilding their fallen civilization. Of all the cities in the world, this was the only one that had not completely fallen. Even the rebel base at the Snowfield Hideout built out of the Shevat saucer had to be evacuated. The main reason for the evacuation was not due to the sub-zero climate, nor to the scarcity of resources at the southern ice cap. It was the simply the location or more specifically the soon to be non-existent location.


The reason that the ice caps had grown so large in the first place was due to Deus terraforming the planet. The weapon had wrecked havoc with the world, literally freezing it. That was why there was so much land was exposed. The water level had decreased to gather into icebergs and glaciers at the poles. It was fortunate for the people in Shevat, since the city happened to crash into what was once ocean, Snowfield.


However, with Deus defeated, the planet naturally returned to its original state. That meant that Snowfield was not going to last for long. Needless to say, it was suicide to remain there.


As the only surviving, partly surviving city, Nortune was the ideal for the first city to be rebuilt. With most of the surviving population of their civilization gathered there, it was not soon after that the city returned to its former glory, abet a bit more crowded. People were happy to be there and Nortune reach heights it never had before. In a way, it could be considered as Kislev's Golden Age.


Margie walked through the corridors of the Super Dimensional Gear Ydraggsil IV. It was in ship form and currently served as the government headquarters, just as it did during Kaiser Sigmund's reign.


The young girl sighed as she approached the suite which Fei and Elly shared together. She paused in front of their door, uncertain. She had woken early that morning, feeling terrible, her sleep haunted by Bart's betrayal.


'No!' Margie shook her head, feeling resigned. 'Bart didn't betray me; he never promised himself to me.' The closest thing she had to a claim on him was the Fatima tradition, which was not necessary anymore.


Margie shifted her weight on the balls of her feet as she debated whether to talk to Elly or not. She really needed someone to talk to and one by one had eliminated the candidates.


All males were definitely out. What would they know about a girl's feelings? Though she was tempted to tell Sigurd or Maison. No... Even if he deserved it, she really didn't want cause Bart any trouble... Even if she felt that he did deserved it.

The youngsters were excluded as well. Midori, Primarea and Maria have yet to experience this kind of problem. Lucky them. Emeralda, though she was considered an adult, was out of the question too. Margie did wanted to talk to someone about her problems, not explain love and the heartache that came with it. Besides, it's not as if she was an expert on it.


She had considered Chu-chu, maybe she had some ideas about it, considering that the love of her life, Fei, was happily in love with someone else. Margie ended up scolding herself for making fun of other people's problems. No, Chu-chu wouldn't be a good choice; they were of the wrong species, and Margie felt uncomfortable to talk about her love life with someone she had once considered as her "toy." Or was it a "pet"?


The most likely person she should talk to was Sr. Agnes. She had been like a mother to her, and Margie felt like running over to her and crying in her arms. No, she wouldn't be the right person to talk to about Bart. Margie felt guilty for thinking so, but Sr. Agnes was a trifle bit too over-protective where she was concerned. Margie didn't want her to find out about Bart. The last thing she wanted was a scene, and she didn't want to disappoint Sr. Agnes. 'Sister had so much wanted for Bart and me to...' Margie broke off that thought, fighting back tears. 'She wasn't the only one who wanted it that way.'


She couldn't even talk about it to any of the sisters, since they would tell Sr. Agnes. That left only Elly or Yui. Both were women happy with the men they loved. Margie envied them. They were so lucky. Of the two, Margie felt closer to Elly. She hadn't met Citan's wife until after Deus' defeat, though Margie truly liked her and felt that the other woman liked her as well.


"Elly it is then." She murmured, raising her hand to the door sensor. She was surprised when the door automatically slid open. 'Don't those two lock their door?' She slowly stepped into the room, the lights activating when her body heat registered on its sensors. 'Looks like no one's here.' Margie sighed and turned to leave when she stumbled, nearly falling had she not grabbed the edge of the doorway.


Regaining her balance, she looked down to see what she had tripped over. Margie reached down and picked up the offending garment. 'Huh?'


Margie straightened in surprise as she realized that what she was holding was in fact Fei's shirt. She looked around the room and noticed other pieces of clothing scattered haphazardly everywhere. A strange noise coming within the bedroom made her whirl in shock. Margie turned crimson as she dropped the shirt and exited quickly, locking the door behind her.


Outside, she leaned back against it, her shoulders shaking in silent laughter. 'Oh dear God! Those two should really learn to lock their door!' Another fit made her double over.


"That's right. Now, take deep breaths."


Margie coughed and glanced up. A handsome young man was smiling at her. His sapphire eyes twinkled with amusement as she straightened. "Are you alright now?"


Margie blushed again this time at his intent regard. "Yes, I am. Thank you." She fell silent, waiting for him to go on his way. He didn't.

After a while, he lifted an eyebrow in question, the smile still on his face. "Uh, miss..."


"Margie." She answered quickly, hoping he would go away. She just didn't feel like flirting, no matter how attractive he was.


"Margie..." He said her name slowly, as if tasting it. He nodded and tilted his head towards the door. "Miss Marguerite, is the Contact Fei and Lady Elhaym in their quarters?"


Margie stared at him in shock. 'How did he know who I am?!' She hurriedly cleared her mind of such idle musings. 'He probably just recognized me. But I definitely don't want him to go inside this room.' "What do you want with them?" She said casually, shifting her stance slightly to block the door more effectively. 'Fei, Elly... You both owe me for this one.'


The other took a folder from his bag. Margie recognized the emblem on its side. He was a courier. "I was told to give this to them."


"Oh, well, I'll give it to them." She reached out to take the document, but he quickly pulled it out of her reach. "I'm sorry, Miss Marguerite. I was told to hand it over to either of them personally."


Margie frowned at him. "Then simply say that I received it in their behalf." 'Bureaucratic nonsense!'


"I again apologize. I must follow my orders."


Irritated, Margie glared at him, but he was unfazed. "You do know who I am?"


"Yes, you are the Lady Marguerite, the Great Mother of Nisan, Council member, one of the heroes..."


"Good," Margie interrupted before he recited her entire resume. He did his homework alright. "Then you must know I'm a close personal friend of the Contact Fei and Lady Elly." 'God! I sound bitchy, but I am having a bad day!' "Let me assure you that I will properly passed onto them whatever it is."


He shook his head and she felt like screaming in frustration. 'First Bart, then I can't ask help from Elly, now this stubborn jerk!' "What's your name?"


He blinked. "Courier Daniel Saren at your service, ma'am."


'Great! Now I'm a ma’am!' "Very well, Mister Saren. You either hand over that folder or you won't be a courier for long." Her voice was icy and Margie was amazed that she could sound like that.


Daniel tensed as he considered his options. His eyes remained focus on her, brows twitching nervously at the sudden appearance of this obstacle in his duties.


Margie sighed as she folded her arms, looking down at the floor. 'Have I been reduced to this? Losing my temper and using my position to bully others?' She closed her eyes wearily. Her earlier emotions drained away to be replaced by self-pity and shame.


"Miss Marguerite?" Daniel's hesitant voice brought her head back up abruptly. She had forgotten about him, engrossed with her own problems. "Yes, Daniel?" A tired note in her voice.


He paused before continuing. "If I hand you the package, will you let me see you give it personally to either the Contact Fei or the Lady Elhaym?"


Margie felt like dropping her head back down. 'He was as pig-headed as Bart!' She winced slightly, expecting the hurt to rush back at his name. She started in surprised relief when all she felt was irritation. 'This I can handle.'


She smiled brilliantly at Daniel, causing him to back away at the sudden change in her demeanor. 'Maybe I just needed a handsome guy to take my mind of Bart.'


He stared at her as she stepped forward, closer to him. His grip on that "very important" folder tightened, as if afraid she might snatch it.


Margie suppressed the urge to laugh at his defensive state. Her smile turning to a grin, she gazed up at him with what she hoped was a frank look. "I'm afraid you're out of luck, Daniel. Fei and Elly aren't here."


He frowned at her. "I just came out of their room. They're not there."


"Then why..."


"Don't you recognize a girl's attempts to attract your attention?" Margie smiled at him coyly. "I must say I was a trifle bit hurt when you rather continue with your work."


Daniel shifted slightly and still looked suspicious, but his answering smile told her he was willing to go with her game. However, the curious look in his eyes made it clear this was only a temporary truce.


"Well, I suppose I could look for them elsewhere or return here later." He grinned at her, an appreciative look in his eyes. "Do you any idea where they may be, Miss Marguerite?"


Margie returned his look. "Please call me Margie."




She shook her head. "I'm afraid I have no idea where those two are." She bit her lower slightly to keep from laughing. 'Now was not the time.'


"Care to tell me the joke?"


Margie looked back at him, a faint flush on her cheeks. "Well, it’s not really a joke, you know?"


Daniel was not letting her get away that easily. "I'm all ears."


She giggled at his eager expression. "I don't think so. It was rather embarrassing."


"Now you got me curious!"


Margie laughed, a beautiful sound that had within it the love of life, a reminder of the joy of being alive.


She didn't see the gentle look on Daniel's face as he produced a handkerchief for her to wipe happy tears on. A soft smile on his lips as he watched her.


Margie smiled at him as she returned the hanky. "Thank you, I really needed that." She said softly. Not just for the handkerchief either.


"I aim to please, Margie." ~

'Daniel...' Margie smiled in fondness. 'He helped me through it.' She closed her eyes, remembering their talks. Never did became more than friends. Margie felt they both preferred it that way. After a while, they stopped seeing each other. It was only after years later that she met him again in Aveh, delighted at his new position as Sigurd's assistant.


Somehow, along the way, she stopped thinking of Bart in a romantic light, cherishing instead their fondness for one another. To Margie, Bart would always be Prince Charming, just not her prince. Instead, he was her friend, her brother her guardian. She liked it that way, grateful that her love had not turned to hate or that she ended up pining for him. Life and love were just too precious to be wasted like that.


"I'm glad I got on with my life." Margie murmured to herself. 'Looking back, I've been happy more times than sad. The frustrations and fears melt away as long as I continue to believe in myself. Anger and pain would always be present, but I refuse to let them rule my life.'


She gazed back at the stars. "I want to be happy." She whispered, eyes narrowing in determination, a solemn promise in their sapphire depths.




Bart exhaled sharply as he finally reached the top of the bell tower. He was exhausted and felt fairly irritated that he would be so winded after climbing that mere flight of stairs. ‘No, I’m not feeling this way simply because of the exercise… something else.’


He sighed softly as he went to lean against the banister, staring at the vista before him. He felt guilty, the way he had treated Margie. He shook his head, wearily massaging his temple. ‘Drat it! I had no right to act so mean to her.’ He had seen the look on her face when he had purposely ignored her. He understood all too well that expression.


‘Hurt, anger, betrayal… yes I betrayed her.’ Bart had intentionally flirted with those other women to get at his cousin, wanting to show her that he didn’t care a damn thing if she went out with other men. His stomach clenched painfully at the thought. ‘But I do care… and I don’t really want to hurt Margie.’ He remembered the pain that crossed Margie’s features before she masked her feelings. He knew her too well despite her efforts to conceal her emotions from others, him in particular.


‘I don’t want things to be this way.’ Bart shut his eye tight, fighting the frustration that quelled within him. ‘Why did I have to be so damn proud?!’ He feared this, feared that the relationship he and Margie had would be destroyed by what had happened. He had seen the look in her eyes when she had approached him earlier. ‘Embarrassment, determination… she had wanted to apologize to me… and I kept her from doing that, forcing her back.’ He could tell Margie had been angry when he had turned from her to instead return a seductive smile from one of his many admirers.


He imagined he heard Margie say, "If that’s how you want to play it, Bart, so be it…" before she walked away from him but not before he saw the hurt in her eyes. He knew his cousin was not one to hold a grudge or anger for long. A gentle person, Margie. She wore her feelings far too openly. One of the reasons why he was so protective of her. ‘Shit! Now look at what I’ve done!’


He groaned softly and stared at the stars. "I’m sorry Margie. I didn’t mean to hurt you…" ‘Wait a minute…’ "Okay, I did want to do that, but I really didn’t mean to hurt you.’ Bart sighed again. He definitely needed to improve his apology before he said it to her. "I’m not good at this."


"I think you’re doing just fine."


Bart started flabbergasted, were not for the railing he would have fallen off the bell tower. He recovered his balance and whirled about… but the bell tower was empty save for him.


"Margie?" He looked around the small area warily. ‘Great, now I’m hearing voices!’


"Here, Bart." He glanced up. ‘Her voice is coming from… the roof!’ "Margie!"


Bart scrambled for the baluster and leaned out, staring at the roofline. A moment later, Margie’s face appeared, upside down. "Hi Bart."


"Margie, you idiot! Get back in here right now! No! On second thought, wait right there! Don’t move! Hold tight to something!"



Margie watched as her cousin franticly searched the area for something to help her get down. She remained quiet when Bart gave up the search and instead uncoiled his whip. He’d been carrying his weapon around lately. He looked back at the roof’s edge and traced its bare outline to finally come back to stare at her.


"How did you get up there anyway?" His voice was deadly calm and Margie sighed, bracing herself for another scolding. She pulled back up and carefully crawled towards the north column. She could hear Bart below following her progress.


On the outward face of this particular column were a set of steel hand and foot holds, needed when the workers had begun construction of the roof. Margie expertly lowered herself back into the tower, but not before Bart scooped her into his arms. At some point in her life, she would have loved to be in this kind of situation. Not now; however, especially since she knew what was coming.


"Just what the hell did you were doing?!" Yup, Bart was hardly apologetic right now. "You… you imbecile!" My, he’s even picked up words from Maison. "You idiot! Did you think I saved you all those times just so that you can throw your life away?! Of all the stupidest things to…"


Margie shushed him with the only way she could think of to make him quiet. She kissed him.



Anger was such a fleeting emotion at times, depending on the circumstances. Especially when the person you’re angry with just happen to be kissing you.

For the third time in his life, Bartholomew Fatima felt Margie’s lips on his, and the only thing he could think of was that three times were way too few.


Bart held her closer against him, tightening his hold on her slender body. Margie frame was altogether too fragile to him at times, but she had gone through many encounters, which could have robbed the life from her small physique. She survived though and Bart had admitted since that she could be as tough as he. But he never said it openly


Margie’s lips were like hot silk, her teeth nibbled teasingly on his lips, her tongue played against his wantonly, inciting desires from him that flared up far too easily and quickly for his mind to cope with. Bart never had problems mastering his body. Emotions of the heart were something he had trouble with but not with the passions of the flesh. Margie was not making it easy for both his mind and body, not to mention that his heart contracted uncomfortably when she withdrew from him, breaking the kiss.


Bart breathed harshly, somewhat remembering to take in air. He was far too focused on his cousin, nestled comfortably in his arms. He heard Margie sigh as she lay her head against his chest, one hand behind neck, playing with his hair, the other idly tracing patterns on his shirt. After a while, Margie raised her head and tried to get down. All she was able to do was try, Bart’s hands had tightened their hold on her.


Margie sighed again. "Let me down, Bart."




She glared at him, a familiar fire burning in her regard. "So, you’re going to stand here all night long carrying me."


Bart smiled. "I don’t mind. Do you?"




Author’s note: Okay… I think, rather I hope I managed to tell this part right. I welcome comments on the story, positive or negative if you have the time to do so. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading the story so far.