I hope you all enjoyed reading part one. That took me quite a while to type. Here is part two of Billy’s life. Be warned, although it’s not too bad, there are situations that shouldn’t be taken too lightly. Look for more of this to be in the third part. Well, enough about me, let’s get to the second part. (Note: Any advice is most welcome.)




Putting the Pieces Back Together pt.2




“All right team! Drop off in five!” Bart yelled between orders to the crew. They were just over their destination. It was a matter of time before they would drop. Billy clutched his two handguns that Mark had supplied him earlier. He was ready to use them at a moments notice, and he would use them. Billy gritted his teeth. He couldn’t wait. He didn’t want to wait. Right below them, Emeralda was in some kind of danger. “Two minutes! Make sure you’re all ready.” Billy was ready. Billy stood up from his spot and made toward the hatch. He started to climb the latter until Citan grabbed him from the cloak and shook his head. Billy looked down and saw the motion. He closed his eyes and sighed, and let go of the ladder. He remained standing however. He paced about in a circle around the ladder until he heard from the intercom, “Move out team!” Billy was the first to grab the ladder, and open the hatch. He jumped onto the deck and made his way off the ship. Citan was close by, with Fei right behind him.


Elly took a look around and took in the place. “This place brings back bad memories.”


“Elly,” Fei started, “If you’re nervous, you don’t have to come.”


“Oh… no!” Elly jumped off the ship and ran next to Fei, “Last time I did that, I had to come rescue you guys, by myself, mind you! This time, I’m going to prevent the mess, not getting you four out of it.”


Bart was the last off the ship. He jumped down and met up with the group. “All right. The ship will stay here until we come back,” eyeing Billy he added, “With, and only with, Emeralda.”


“Guys… I really can’t thank you enough.” Billy started, “I don’t mean to interrupt your lives…”


“It’s ok, I need to help my…” Elly looked up at Fei, “…We… need to help our… daughter.”


“I am here to make sure you all get back home in one piece.” Citan said.


“Uh… well, simply put, I had nothing better to do.” Bart said.


“At least you all have your reasons for being here, although I still don’t understand Fei, Elly and Emeralda.” Billy asked, looking at Citan.


“I shall explain it to you later. For now, we should make haste!” Citan cut in.


“You’re right! I’ll lead the way.” Billy said. The five of them walked forward into what looked like a strange building. “I… I don’t remember this being here…”


“It is odd… and somehow vaguely familiar. We should continue on into it.” Citan pointed to an entrance.


Billy poked his head into the doorway. He looked down both hallways before entering. He took a few steps and waited. He signaled for the others to follow him.


Citan looked down both hallways and noticed that they both led in different directions. “We should split up. I will take Fei and Elly with me and head down the right path. Bart, you go with Billy down the left.”


“You got it Citan. I’ll make sure nothing happens to Billy.” Bart said as he started to walk down his path.


“Billy,” Citan whispered to Billy, “keep an eye on Bart, and make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.”


“Right, Citan.” Billy nodded. Billy ran to catch up with Bart.


The two walked down a hallway that seemed to last forever. With many curves and twists, it was confusing as to which way they were going. After what seemed like and eternity they ended up at another fork in the road. “Well, it’s best if we split up and head down different paths, I’ll take the right one, you can take the left one.” Bart pointed.


“Are you sure that is safe? If we split up, we’ll be vulnerable to multiple attacks.” Billy said.


“We haven’t fought anything on the way down here, what makes you think there’ll be anything down these hallways?” Bart pointed out. Billy was about to say something else when Bart cut him off, “Besides, It will be easier to sneak up on Krelian one on one.”


Billy looked to the floor, and considered what he had just said. He looked up and replied, “You have made some good points. All right, let’s go with your plan.”


Bart nodded at the accomplishment he had just made. He looked down his hallway and took in a deep breath. He reached for his whip, and took it down the hallway, in hand. Billy looked down his hallway. The cold and the darkness were beginning to sink in. He was alone. He was thinking of calling to Bart one more time, but he decided against it. He pulled one of the newly equipped hand guns Mark had given him, and made his way down his path.


Bart was right. It was quiet, but it just made Billy feel worse. He knew that in silence and darkness, any noise or movement could be detected. He wasn’t one for being stealthy. He always had one job. Go in, kill the Wels, get out. It was a simple task. They didn’t seem to mind noise, and they only attacked you if they saw you, but in these hallways… who knows what Krelian made for them? A sound came from behind him; he whirled around to see nothing. He looked nervously down the hallway. When he was satisfied that no one was there, he slowly turned around and made his way forward. He didn’t like this. It was too quiet, it was too dark. He choose the right path, he knew it. Krelian also knew that this was going to happen. This was all a set up. Billy couldn’t take it anymore. He shivered and he shook with every step he took. One step, as his pace began to slow. He was about to scream for help, from anyone. From Bart, from Citan, from his mother, from anyone, just to be there. He was just about to scream when he saw a faint of green light glowing in front of him. He slowly moved toward the light to see a note, attached to a dead end wall. He looked up and saw that nothing was in front of him. He looked around, but saw no doors. He was trapped. Whatever was coming for him, was going to get him, there was nothing he could do about it. He ripped the note off the wall:



Billy (I hope it will be you at least),


            I see you have left your friends to die. To think, you started this to be a rescue mission for one, and now, you have to rescue your whole team. I am waiting for you. If you should make it past what is sure to be right behind you, take the path that you didn’t follow. I’ll be waiting. I’m sure ‘she’ will be too.



        P.S. She wanted to leave you this… (Pretty sad excuse for a going away present if you ask me).



Billy looked at where the dots ended, and saw a chunk of emerald green hair. He took the hair, and rubbed it against his face. He closed his eyes at the thought of Emeralda. He had to save her. He pocketed the hair and turned around to start running, when a Wel appeared out of no where, and lunged for his head. With a flash, and a bang, the Wel fell to pieces to the ground. Billy held his pistol in hand, only to see what seemed to be waves of them, and army of them. Billy started to count the number. It was too large for him to count however. He got to the thirties, and was only finished with the first three rows. He took a deep breath, took out the other hand gun, and began to fire. One after another they fell, but for every one down, another two came forward. Billy shot left, shot right, he shot one flying towards him, and one crawling under the masses to get to him. They never seemed to stop. They all began to rush him, and he only began to fire faster. The mass reached him, and began to attack, ripping the flesh off of Billy. He fired, and he fired, only stopping to reload. The reloading time was killing him. One Wel caught hold of Billy’s leg; Billy could feel the blood gush out of his knee cap. He screamed out in pain. He fired where he felt the pain, and the Wels head was dismembered from the rest of its body. The head still remained on his leg though, making him unable to kneel. The pain was unbearable, but he still continued to fight. One Wel scratched his face, another ripped open his chest. The mass seemed to grow, they surrounded him. He had to fire in all directions. One bit his back, one went for his neck, several more went directly for the body. He began to feel faint. The loss of blood was causing him to lose consciousness. He firing began to slow. The Wels continued their assault. He slowed down more, they only sped up. Billy’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. “I’m… I’m sorry… Emer… Emeralda…” He fell backwards. He could hear a faint call of his name, and another several gunshots. His eyes closed.






“Billy? C’mon Billy… wake up for me.” Billy shook his head at the noise being made. It was too loud for him. His head was pounding. His eyes were still closed, afraid to look at the light. “C’mon Billy, I know you can do it!”


Billy knew the voice all to well. The owner of that voice left him in his mother’s time of need, and here he was, for Billy, “D… Dad?”


“Billy! Billy c’mon, open your eyes! I need to see you alive.” It sounded to Billy as if he was crying.


“I’ll… I’ll try.” was all the Billy could sputter. He opened his eyes just barely to see that the room was not too bright. In fact, it was very dark, and the floor he was laying on was cold. He looked around and saw he was in the same place. The hallways of where this whole place began. He finished opening his eyes, and could see that his father had been crying. “Dad?


“Billy? Billy! Aw, my boy, Billy! I’m so glad you’re ok! I knew you would be in trouble. I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t come for you sooner.” Jessie gave his son a hug. The first real hug that Billy could remember. Billy tried to lift his arms so that he could wrap them around his father’s body, but couldn’t. “Don’t move. I need to get you out of here!”


“No… must save Emeralda!” Billy said.


“Billy, my boy, you can’t… you’re…”


“Must save her…”


“I can’t let you do that…”


“You see this!” Billy shot up from his laying position to sit up and meet his father eye to eye. He reached into his pocket. “This is her hair! The hair of someone very important to me… This hair… huh?” He noticed that the hair was moving. The hair grew in his hand. The hair wrapped itself around Billy’s hand. It seem to enter his hand by his pores. He looked at his body to see the scratches all over his arms and legs. He looked down to see a large hole in his shirt, and a giant cut on his chest. He looked back at his hand to see that the hair was gone. He looked at his arms and noticed they weren’t as scratched up as before. He looked down to his legs, and saw all the cuts disappear. He looked down at his chest and saw that the giant cut was healing. The skin just generated in the spot that was attacked. He witnessed the cut just melt away. His vision was becoming clearer to him. His headache was fading away. That’s why Emeralda wanted him to have her hair. She could help him. She knew he was going to be attacked, and on the point of death, she was there to aid him. “Thanks… Emeralda.”


“Well, would you look at that? Your skin just grew back.” Jessie said after a long while of staring. “Ain’t that somethin’?”


“Yeah… yes it is, Dad” Billy shot up from his position. “Well, Dad…” He felt weird asking this. He knew he would answer positively, but it was just that, he was never there before, but now; he needed his help more than ever. ”I need your help.”


“I thought you would…” Jessie said. He stretched his hand, “Partner?”


“No.” Billy said. He still accepted the hand though, “Family.”


Jessie pulled him up to his feet. He let go of his hand and took out his shotgun. “We’ve got a team to save.”


“Yes we do…” Billy said with determination. He loaded his hand guns to make sure he was set to go. “…And I know where to find him.”


“Lead the way… Billy, my boy!” Jessie said.


The two ran for a while. Billy was leading the way for his father. Billy could hear his father panting behind him. However, he didn’t slow down. He came to the fork that he and Bart parted ways. He waited for his father to catch up. After seconds of waiting, he looked down at his father. He was bent down, grasping his knees with his hands. Billy tossed him a bone and let him rest for a minute. After a while he stood upright. Billy just ran down the hallway, knowing that dad was ready to go. “C’mon Billy! I’m old!” Jessie said as he started to trudge down the hallway. Billy ignored him and kept running, he knew that he would catch up, eventually. He came to the end of the hallway, and sure enough, there was a door. It was Billy’s turn to catch his breath. He wasn’t really ready for the marathon he just ran. After a minute, Jessie trudged over to him. He wasn’t running anymore. He let his feet drag behind him. When he got to the door, he leaned his back to it. “Let’s… let’s take a break.” He said between breaths.


“No time to wait.” Billy said, although he was tired too. His feet felt like iron. “Well, maybe for just a minute.” The two, in unison, slid they’re backs against the walls, and fell to the floor. They sat for five minutes without moving. They didn’t want to move. They were just fine where they were. Billy knew he had to save her though. He lifted himself up, almost with a new energy. He pulled out his hand gun and readied it at the door. “You ready, Dad? Dad?”


He looked down to see that his father fell asleep where he sat. Billy rolled his eyes, and lightly kicked his leg. “H… h… huh?” He said as he shook the tiredness off. “What happened?”


“You fell asleep!”


“Oh… wow… I guess I was tired.” He said, gathering his surroundings. He pulled out his shot gun, and leveled at the door. “You ready, son?”


“I already asked that!” Billy said, “You were asleep!”


Jessie looked at him, awaiting an answer, “Well? Are you?”


Billy leveled his gun and sighed, “Yeah… let’s go!”


They took a step forward and opened the door, and sure enough, there they were. The whole team. Fei and Elly were tied around a pole. Citan was locked up in a specimen cage. Bart was shackled to the wall, and Emeralda was in one of the nanomachines test tubes. Krelian looked up at the girl. “She really is a wonderful specimen… isn’t she?”


“A specimen? Take that back!” Billy pointed his gun at him.


“Ok… I will.” He replied. He turned around and walked slowly towards the two, “What do you want me to call her? Failure? Reject? Trash?”


“Shut up! And don’t move!” Billy snapped.


“My… my… what a temper. I’m just giving your young girl here some credit.” He said, turning around to look at her again. “I can say this though… She is beautiful…”


“Credit?” Billy asked.


“Oh yes… you do know there is an expiration date on her… right? How could you not know. The technology back then was so stupid, and foolish.  I’m surprised he finished her at all…”


“Shut up! What are you talking about?” Billy asked.


“You don’t know? Her machines, they will stop working. When? No one knows, but it will happen. But I can guarantee this… It will be soon.”


“I swear! I will kill you where you stand if you do not release her and my friends!” Billy yelled.


“Now why would you want to kill me?”


“For all of the things you have done in the past, and the things you’re doing, right now!”


“What do you mean?”


“What!? Listen Krelian…!”


“Krelian… Ha! That name has no meaning to me.” He took a pause. He turned around with a smile and continued on, “You and I are a lot alike Billy.” He pointed to Jessie. “Just like your father left you, mine left me.”


“We are nothing alike! I don’t cause pain to people…”


“But you did… remember?”


Billy glared into his eyes. He could sense that Krelian was not in him. “Who are you?”


“Now you ask questions? Fine. My good for nothing father created me in his own image. However, he gave me powers you wouldn’t understand! I have powers like that of Emeralda here! That’s right Billy. I am a nanomachine colony.”


“But… how?” Billy lowered his gun.


“You think he would leave this earth without some sort of offspring?”


“You mean…?”


“Yes… Krelian… created me.”


“Fine… then this won’t hurt then!” He aimed his gun at him, and let out several devastating shots. Body parts flew everywhere. The strange being was now just a puddle on the floor. He dropped his gun to his hip, still smoking at the barrel. “Dad… start getting everyone together.” He said quietly. Jessie just nodded, and headed for Citan’s cage. Billy headed to the tube. He looked around for a switch. He found a big red one. He figured that was it. He slammed it down, and the tube began to empty. When all was empty, the door opened, and out she fell. Billy ran over to catch her in his arms. He looked down and saw her shivering. He put her on her feet and balanced her in one arm. With the other, he flung of his cloak, and wrapped it around her. She took a piece of it in her hand, and held it closer to her. Billy dragged her to where Bart was. He leveled his gun at one of the chains, and fired. He did the same for the other hand. Bart fell to his feet. Billy looked at Bart for some help. Bart walked over and tossed Emeralda’s other arm over his shoulder. The two walked her over to where Fei and Elly sat. Bart let Emeralda’s arm drop, and untied the two. They got up, and took Emeralda. Billy looked back at the puddle. “Let’s get out of here.”


“Not so fast…” A strange voice called out to them. They all looked around to try and find the voice.


“I have heard that voice before…” Citan said.


“Aw… man! I hate when this happens!” Bart started to complain.


“It seems to never end.” Elly shook her head.


“Look!” Fei pointed to the puddle.


They all looked towards the puddle and saw it rising, taking the shape of a man. The puddle started to take form and color, and the thing came back. “You thought those dissemblers could kill me, huh? My father was able to create an antivirus for that, pathetic tool.” Krelian took a step forward. “I need her. I need her so that my father will be happy.”


“He is happy!” Fei told him. “I talked to him. He said that he was finished with all this.”


“Shut up! What do you know?” Krelian shouted at him.


“He is, Krelian…” Elly said. “I have seen him, and I have talked to him too.”


“Shut up!” He let his hand morph to a whip and lashed Fei and Elly. The two dropped with Emeralda on top of them. Krelian started to walk towards where her body lies, and went to pick her up. Billy got in his path. “Don’t make me have to kill you.”


“You’ll have too, if you want her!” Billy said.


“So be it!” He took a step back. He continued until he bumped into the control panel. “I wish I didn’t have to summon her, but it looks like I have no choice.” He hit a button, and part of the wall, lifted, revealing a single Wel.


Billy looked at the sight and nearly started to laugh, “That’s it? That’s all you have in store for me? That was my job…”


“Oh… but there’s more my friend… there’s more. This is no ordinary Wel. This Wel used to be someone you loved very much.”


“HA! That’s a funny joke.”


“Billy, I know those eyes.” Jessie said, almost with a hint of fear.


Billy looked closely and saw that the Wel did have eyes. They were human eyes. In fact, the entire body didn’t look all that different from a female’s body. Billy looked to his father to see a strange expression he had never seen before. One of fear. “Dad? You okay?”


“Yes… dad… are you okay?” Krelian mocked him. “I’m sure he can figure it out.”


“Figure it out?” Billy inquired, “Figured out what?”


“I know that Wel…” Jessie said.


“Huh? It’s a Wel. Nothing more.” Billy explained.


“No… it’s a lot more.” Jessie said.


“Yes… that’s right. It’s her Jessie. Don’t worry. I made sure to make it extra painful for her. Your wife!” Krelian smiled.


“NO!!!!” Jessie roared. He took his shotgun, and attacked Krelian, forgetting that he was nanomachines. Still, his head blew to pieces. He next aimed at the Wel, that didn’t move.


Billy grabbed his father’s arm before he shot. “What are you doing!? That is my mother!”


“No it’s not! You’re mother is dead!” He violently shook Billy off of his arm, and shot the things head off.


Billy witness his mother’s second death. He fell to his knees, and started to cry. His father had just killed his mother. Again. He put his head in his hands. The room was silent for several minutes. No one moved. No one breathed. Finally, Jessie walked to Billy and put a hand on his shoulder. Billy got up, whirled to face his father, and showed the barrel of his gun to him. “That is the second time! I can’t believe you would shoot your own wife.” Jessie began to say something but was interrupted, “Don’t give me anymore of your stupid excuses. Twice is the reason for my mother’s death! Twice, that reason is you! I can change that however.”


“Billy, calm down, Jessie did nothing wrong.” Citan started to plead to Billy.


“Shut up! I know what I’m doing!” He aimed the gun higher to his father’s forehead. “If the Lord is more forgiving than I am, then say hi to Mom for me!”


“Billy… wait…” A faint voice called out. Billy looked around to identify the voice. He looked down at Emeralda, and saw her stirring about. She slowly opened her eyes, and looked at her surroundings. She managed to lift her head up, and to make eye contact with Billy. “Please… Listen to Citan…”


“Why? My father killed my mother twice!” Billy snapped.


“No he didn’t. The first time was the Wels, remember? Your father was just not there, and this time… He was helping her.” Emeralda said.


“No! The first time, he ran out on us, leaving mother to die! This time…” Billy looked down, but never moved the gun.


“She was in a lot of pain… I know. I saw her transform into it.” Emeralda sat up in her place.




“This Krelian took the body that was hers, and brought her here. After tests, he noticed that her brain could still function… somehow. He put her into practice, and… the screams… were unbearable… She came back to life somehow… and… the screams!” She put her head in her hands, and started to cry.


Billy looked down at her. She too, was in a lot of pain. Not physically, but mentally. The transformation of his mother she had to witness. He lowered

his gun, and walked towards her. He knelt down next to her, “Emeralda…” but there was nothing he could say or do, to make her feel better. What she had seen, was something no one else could bear with her, not having seen it done before. He looked down; wanting to say something, anything to make her feel better, but there was nothing. Emeralda took her head out of her hands, and wrapped her arms around Billy. Billy held her in his arms for several minutes. Emeralda began to sob uncontrollably in his shoulder. He kissed her softly on the forehead, “Its ok… I’m here for you.”


She continued to cry for a second, but then she lifted her head up to look into Billy’s eyes. Billy could tell that she saw that he was being sincere, but also, something else. Billy was about to ask when the Wel, jumped to its feet, and grew again. Billy turned to face the Wel, and could see the pain in her eyes. “Billy…” It called to her, almost in a calm, cool voice. “Save me…”


Billy let go of Emeralda, and stood up. “But… mom…”


“It’s no longer me… I was happy… but now… I’m… I’m this. I’m in pain; I’m in constant sorrow, please! Save me! Send me back to where I belong.” His mom pleaded.


“I can’t…” Billy said.


“You have too… I… want to… eat you…”


She lunged forward to attack him. He dodged out of the way, not pulling his gun out. “I can’t! I won’t!”


“Please… I… I love you.” She jumped forward again, and Billy dodged again.


“There’s no way possible…” He whispered to himself. He looked around the room to find anything, but nothing jumped out at him. Billy thought to himself, he searched around for anything he had that might work. He thought of the ether that he could use again. But nothing would work. Everything he could use was just going to put a hole in her. She would re-grow it and move on. There had to be a way. A way to stop the Nanomachines from working. To freeze them in their tracks. “Freeze!” That was it. He took out one of his ether guns and put in the white battery that Mark had gave him. He looked into the Wels… his mother’s eyes, one last time. “I’m sorry… mom…” He aimed the gun at her. An ice ball was shot from the barrel of the gun.


When it made contact, it stopped the Wel in its tracks. It looked down to see that the ice was spreading around it, “Thank you Billy… I love you…” was her last words, before the ice enveloped her head. Billy looked at the ice sculpture. It had beauty and pain in it. He walked over to it, and looked into its eyes. He could see an expression of relief.


“You’re welcome… mom…”


He stood staring at it for a long time, before a voice interrupted him, “You stopped her! But how!?” Krelian had formed again. He looked at the ice sculpture, “That’s impossible!”


Billy was sick of hearing his voice. He aimed his ether gun, and shot another ice ball at him. It made contact, and another ice sculpture stood next to the original. “Let’s go home team. Load up the ice pops and head for the volcano. We’ll melt them. Make sure they never re-grow again.” The team went to their assigned duties. Bart, Citan, Billy, and Jessie, went to work with the sculptures, Elly and Fei, with Emeralda. The team struggled to get everything on board. Emeralda was in her bed right away, and the two ice cubes locked away, just incase of any thawing. Billy walked into his assigned room. He dragged his feet towards his bed, fell face down into it, and fell to sleep.


“Oh Lord…” Billy started, “We’re here to bury one of our sisters, and enemies, into the heat of this volcano.” The ship was in hover over the only volcano on the earth. “The two, led good lives… and…” Billy looked down, unable to talk. Part of him was sad. The other was angry. He still hated this Krelian thing. However, it was important he was honored too. Usually, this was easy, but when this was for someone you loved, it hurt a lot more. “and…” He never lifted his head. A tear fell from his eye. Not able to contain himself, he took a seat, next to his father. His father put an arm around his son. Billy looked up through soaked eyes at his father. He saw that his left eye, had a single tear in it.


Margie stood from her seat, and went to the front of the Yggdrasil. “We shall now push the bodies into the pit.” With a little work, she pushed the Krelian body into the pit. She walked over to the other ice cube, and looked over to Billy and his father, “I’m sure she would have wanted this…”


Billy knew what she was talking about. He got up, along with his father. The two walked over to where the body stood. Billy noticed a smile, almost form of the thing’s face. Billy was calmed by this. He walked over to the body, and pushed it. With the help of his father, the body fell into the pit with a splash of lava. Billy stood there, looking down where his mother just fell. Fei and Elly got up from their chairs, and walked towards Billy. Fei put a hand on Billy’s shoulder. He walked away. Elly gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, and she followed Fei. Rico got up from his spot, “I know how it feels, kid…” He patted Billy on the back, and went off to his room. Maria got up with Chu Chu right at her feet. “Billy… I’m sorry.” Maria said. The two walked off. The rest of the crew made some sort of gesture to Billy. Some patted him, some females kissed him, and some even saluted him. There were only four people left on the deck, Billy, his father, Citan, and Emeralda.


Citan walked over to where Jessie stood, looking down at his wife. “It is ok, Jessie. I am sure she is truly happy now.” Jessie looked at his friend. He put an arm around Citan, and the two walked off.


Emeralda stayed seated for a minute, pondering her next move. She finally got up from her seat, and approached Billy. “I’m sure she was happy to see you again…” Billy didn’t move or respond to her. “Citan’s right… you know. She is in a better place.” Billy still didn’t reply. Emeralda looked down, realizing that anything she said would not help her friend. “I’m sorry… for you’re loss.”


She started to walk away when she was interrupted, “Emeralda…”




Billy looked up from his glum, and looked at her. She noticed that his eyes weren’t that bright blue anymore. The color seemed to have been drained from them, “I’m sorry I didn’t come for you sooner.”


“What are you talking about?” Emeralda questioned.


“I should’ve never left you…”


“I was kidnapped. There was nothing you could do.”


“But there was. I could have stayed home with you, made sure you were safe…”


“But, I am safe.” Emeralda reminded him, “You came to rescue me.”


“I know… but the whole thing could’ve been avoided.”


“No… If you were there, he would have just taken you too.”


“But I could’ve at least been there… I feel like my father now…”


Emeralda slapped him. “Don’t you ever say those words, especially if it means remorse! You’re father left for important reasons.”


Billy cradled the place that was just slapped. He looked at her with shameful eyes. “I’m… I’m sorry.”


Emeralda calmed herself down. She closed her eyes, and spoke softly, “I’m sorry, it’s just that you always say such bad things about your father, when he is, in fact, a good man.”


Billy looked down the floor. It was true. He always did bad-mouth his father. He never did give him any credit. He looked back up at Emeralda. “You’re right.” Emeralda looked back up at him, with confusion painted on her face. “I haven’t given my father any credit, and it’s not fair.”


Emeralda looked confused. Then she smiled a little at the accomplishment she had just made. “I’m glad you think that way now. I’m sorry I slapped you.”


“No, I needed that. I needed a slap of reality. I’m just glad that you slapped me.”




“I don’t know…” Billy replied.


“There was a long moment of silence between the two. The two just looked at each other for a while. Emeralda finally broke the silence by saying, “I’m glad you came for me.”


“Well… what else was I supposed to do? Let him kill someone I really care about.”


“Excuse me?” Billy noticed his slip up. He accidentally said it. “I thought I saw that in your eyes.”


Billy looked down into Emeralda’s eyes. “Emeralda…” He paused for a long moment, not knowing if this was the right time. When he looked into Emeralda’s golden eyes, he couldn’t help it, “I love you…”


“Billy…” She blushed a little, “I love you too…”


“You do?”


“Yeah… I always have. The way you act, the way you talk. You really are a special man, Billy.”


Billy was speechless. He nearly threw up, luckily he didn’t eat lunch. He let his arm form into a hook. “Shall we go?”


Emeralda saw that the color in Billy’s eyes returned, in fact, they were brighter than before. She looped her arm around his, and stood by his side, “Yeah… Let’s go…”


Billy took his free hand, and touched Emeralda’s arm. She looked beautiful. In the moonlight, her skin reflected the light right into Billy’s eyes, but he couldn’t stop staring. The smile she was giving him was more, than he could tolerate. The two stopped in front of the door, leading back into the Yggdrasil. He swung Emeralda around, so that they were looking eye-to-eye, “I’ve always wanted to do this…”


“Do what?” Emeralda asked.


Billy swallowed the water in his mouth. He swallowed with a large gulp. He moved his face closer to hers. She did the same. They both moved a little closer to each other, “This…” Was Billy’s reply before the two lock their lips together. They kissed for a while, then the two looked into each other’s eyes again.


“I’m tired… I want to go to bed…” Emeralda said after a minute of silence.


“I’ll walk you to your room.” Billy said. He thought he did something wrong. As if she didn’t want to be kissed. Billy was hitting himself, in his head. The two walked into the elevator, and went to the crews cabins on the third floor. They waited for the elevator to stop on their floor. Bart had this place furnished just for the team. Billy walked her to her room. The door opened and Emeralda looked at him. “I’m sorry…” Billy said softly.


“About what?” Emeralda questioned.


“About kissing you up on the…” Billy started, when he was interrupted, by Emeralda’s finger to his lips.


She had a little gleam in her eye when she said, “Tuck me into bed…” She pulled him into her room, and the door closed behind them.




Billy opened his eyes. He took in a deep breath. He looked around the room, and saw he was still in Emeralda’s place. He smiled at the thought of her. He looked to his side, and saw Emeralda, sleeping peacefully. He looked around for a clock and noticed there wasn’t one in her room, anywhere. He looked at his wrist, only to remember that his watch was on the floor next to the bed. He wiped the tired from his eyes, and reached around until he found his watch. He saw it was 10:00. He quietly got up from his position, picked up what was his on the ground, and put them on. He tip toed to the door, but stopped before it. He turned around to look at Emeralda one more time. He smiled at her body, at peace. Curled up in a little ball, like that of a cold child. He shivered a bit, and realized it was cold in the room. He went over to her closet, and pulled out another blanket from one of the shelves. He unfolded it, and laid it on her. She accepted a piece of it, in her and, and smiled. Billy backed away, softly, watching her uncurl from her ball. He just smiled at her presence. He couldn’t help, but to. Her beauty was unsurpassed. He turned around and walked out the door. He was heading to his room, when he was stopped.


“Hey Billy!” The voice rang out.


He whirled around quickly to see Bart at the end of the hallway, “Uh… Bart…”


“Good, you’re up! Everyone’s waiting. Except for Emeralda. I tried ringing her room, but the buzzer was turned off, and the door was locked.” Bart said.


“I wouldn’t know anything!” Billy replied quickly.


“Huh? Do you know something?” Bart questioned.


“No! Nothing at all… No-ser-ree, don’t know a thing…” Billy swayed back and forth in his spot.


“Uh… huh? Right… ok Billy, By the way… you should have done something to your hair, and at least changed before you got out your room.” Bart implied.


Billy looked up, and saw the mop laid out on his head. He also looked down, and realized that he was wearing what he had at the funeral yesterday. “Heh… heh… I… uh… I got busy…”


“Right… I’m sure.” Bart said. Billy was about to say something when he was interrupted, “C’mon… to the gun room!”


“Wha…? Wait!” But Bart already got a hold of his hand, and pulled him into the elevator. He pushed the button to get to the second floor. The elevator made a noise, shuddered a bit, the noise came back, and the doors opened showing the hallway. Bart grabbed Billy’s hand one more time, and pulled him over to the gun room. The door opened, and the team was assembled, all of them. Fei, Elly, Rico, Maria, Chu Chu, all of them.


Billy gave them all a confused look. “What’s going on here?”


“This is for you, buddy!” Bart said, as he wrapped his arm around Billy’s shoulder, and waved towards the crowd assembled in front of him.


“We all felt bad for you, so we decided it would be nice to throw you a party.” Citan said.


“I had nothin’ better to do…” Rico complained, but with a smirk, Billy knew he was just kidding.


“Billy… I’m sorry for your loss.” Maria walked up to him.


“Thanks… Thank you everybody. I… I don’t know what to say…” Billy looked around the crowd.


“You don’t have to say anything.” Elly chimed in, “You just have to party!”


Billy sighed. He also let out a little smile. He knew he had friends here, and to think, a couple of years ago, he was going to throw this all away, just because he was all alone. He walked into the middle of the commotion and started to dance with the girls. For the first time in his life, he was having fun. “Okay… maybe the second time… today…” Billy smiled to himself.


“Billy!” Big Joe called out from one of the sides. “You can thank me for the Jukebox!”


“Uh… thanks?” Billy followed his request.


“Hey… don’t mention it.” Billy was about to say something, but Joe already disappeared into the masses of people. Billy was thinking of how he got everywhere that the team was going to be. He shrugged to himself, and continued to dance about. The door opened, and everyone stopped to look upon the person entering the door. They all gasped at the body taking form in the doorway. Billy knew who the person was… It was…




“Go back to your room, and study!” Bart yelled back to her.


“Bart! I hate you so much!” Margie replied.


“No you don’t!” Bart teased.


“You’re right…” She said quietly, but just loud enough that Billy could hear her. Well, his prediction was wrong. It wasn’t Emeralda. He was starting to get worried. He made his was through the masses, when the door opened again.


“Aw… what is it now Margie?” Bart yelled.


Emeralda stepped through the door and looked at Bart confused, “Huh?”


“Uh… nothing!” Bart replied quickly, and just as fast as he spoke, he melted back into the crowd.


Billy ran up to meet her at the door. “Emeralda…”


“I heard the music, and people yelling. Sounded like Margie… Is that what Bart was…?” Emeralda started


“Don’t ask… please.” Billy nodded his head. “Are you ok?”


“Yeah… Why wouldn’t I be?”


“I don’t know…” Billy replied, “You looked cold.”


“Yeah? Oh… whatever, maybe something is acting up again.” Emeralda replied coolly.


“Yeah… must be. Feel up to dancing?” Billy said with an extended arm.


Emeralda accepted his hand, “Sure… I always am.”


The two walked into the middle of the crowd and started to dance with each other. Citan went over to Fei and Elly, and whispered something in their ears. Fei nodded, and went over to the jukebox. He looked around, and then selected a song. The upbeat music began to cool down, and soft music began to play. Billy looked at Emeralda, and took her hand. He wrapped his other arm around her waist. She wrapped her arm around Billy’s neck. The two began to sway in their spot. The two were so mesmerized by each other’s eyes, they didn’t notice the crowd, slowly forming a circle around them. They all watched the two sway to the music playing. Emeralda put her head on Billy’s shoulder, and closed her eyes. She was enjoying the moment. Billy now saw that the group made a circle around them, and blushed a little. He whispered into her ear. “They’re all watching us.”


“Let them watch all they want.” Emeralda said, without moving. Billy nodded to this, and put his head on hers.  He closed his eyes, to soak up the moment.


“Fei? What song did you pick?” Citan questioned.


“I picked one called, ‘September Mermaid.’ I remembered hearing it once, and I thought of Emeralda.” Fei answered.


“Good call.” Citan smiled.


“The two look so cute together.” Elly said.


“Eh… makes me want to throw up…” Rico said behind a tear.


“Look at the two of them, they’re perfect for each other.” Maria said.


“Man… makes me think… of Margie.” Bart said. The team gave him a strange look. “What? I can’t think of my cousin during a sentimental moment?”


The team shrugged and continued to watch.


The party was a complete success. Even though there was nothing to be accomplished. Everyone was as happy as they could be. Afterwards they dropped everyone off where they needed to be, and soon, the Yggdrasil approached the orphanage. “Billy, I hate to see you go… again.” Bart said before dropping to their destination.


“We can’t thank you enough, Bart.” Billy said.


“You really are a nice person, no matter what anyone says.” Emeralda smiled.


“Aw… thanks Emer… huh? Wait. What do people say about me?” Bart questioned.


“Thanks Bart! We’ll see you around.” Emeralda cooed.


“Wait! What does everyone say about me? Emeralda! Emmy!” But the two already left.


“Home sweet home.” Billy said.


“Yes it is…” Emeralda replied.


“Looks like Prim can have that room to herself now.” Billy looked to her.


“Yeah… looks like.” Emeralda said with a smile.


“I love you…” Billy said.


“I love you too…” Emeralda kissed him.


The two walked hand in hand through the front door. They entered into a darkened and empty house. “Hello?!” Billy called into the house.


“Billy! Help!” Mark called from the next room.


The two looked to each other, and quickly ran into the next room. The shades were drawn, and the lights were off. Billy’s hand shook as he flipped on the switch.


“SURPRISE!” All the kids screamed at one. “Welcome home.”


“How are you two?”


“Bring anything back for us?”


“I’m hungry…” Billy looked up at Mark, “I’m sorry… that was me.” Mark confessed.


“What’s this all about?” Billy asked.


“I called you for help, but the kids went and threw you a surprise party anyway!” Mark threw his hands into the air.


“I’m sure you had no part in this?” Emeralda asked.


“Nope… not-a-one.” Mark shook his head. When he noticed Emeralda’s searing glare, he added, “Well… maybe a little.”


“Not-a-one, huh?” Emeralda raised her eyebrow.


“Uh… I got to run!” Mark said as he quickly ran out of the room.


Emeralda just looked over at Billy confused. “What was that all about?”


“I’m not sure Emeralda… I’m not sure…” Billy replied, uneasily. There was a tug on his robe. He looked down, and saw Primara holding a note up at him. He took the note and read.


“Thanks for keeping me here! Where have you been?”


He laughed when he read this. He looked over to Emeralda and replied, “I had to run some important errands.” Emeralda looked over to him and smiled. There was another tug, and another note to read.


“Ew… Gross. Does this mean I get the new room?”


“Yes… Yes it does…” Billy nodded.


Primara started to jump around. She quickly ran over to her bed, ripped everything off that was hers, and quickly ran into her new room. Billy just smiled as his little sister dashing into the room, hoping to claim it, before he changed his mind.


“Where is Emeralda going to sleep?” One of the kids asked.


“She’s going to be with me.” Billy answered uneasily, waiting to hear the questions.


“My parent’s slept with each other. Does that mean you love each other?” Another kid asked.


Billy was about to start until he was interrupted by Emeralda looking into his eyes, “Yes… We love each other… very much.”


“Billy and Emmy, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” All the kids started to sing in unison.


Billy started to laugh when the kids started to sing. “Yeah… maybe.”


“Maybe?” Emeralda asked.


“Uh… Yeah?” Billy said nervously.


“That’s more like it.” Emeralda replied. She leaned over, and kissed Billy again, just to prove her point.


“Yeah… we do love each other.”


And that’s how it was for another year. The two only grew closer to each other. Primara was disgusted with the whole thing, but learned to deal with it, because she was happy to see her brother happy. She has grown so much since that fateful day, several years ago. Three years to be exact, everyone aged, although no one matured, but for some reason, the team was to be assembled again. Not for a dangerous situation, or earth-threatening bit, but for Fei’s and Elly’s Marriage.


“Make sure your ready to go.” Emeralda yelled into the back room.


“I know! You’re not my mother!” Billy yelled back.


“I thought I was…” Emeralda replied coyly.


Billy emerged from his room, “Emmy, not in front of the kids…” He lowered his head towards the children staring up at them.


“Oh… sorry… Billy…” She smiled seductively at him.


“Stop…” Billy replied, but quietly. “There will be plenty of time for that in the ship.”


“Oh… right.” Emeralda remembered that Bart was taking then to Nisan. That’s where the ceremony was taking place. Everyone was going to be there. The team, people from Shevat, everyone that known them on their travels was allowed to come and that was everyone, everywhere. Billy knew the place would be packed, so he planned on getting there early. Remembering it’s just Fei and Elly, he gave up the idea, and decided to go later, but it was Emeralda who wanted to go early. With her close ties to the two, she wanted to be there for them. That… and they were asked to be the best man and maid of honor. So… they had an obligation to go.


“We ready?” Billy asked Emeralda.


“You’re not my daddy…” Emeralda said to him.


“I’m not?” Billy replied. “We’ll see about that…”


“Excuse me!” Mark snapped. “I thought you used to be a priest.”


“Well…” Billy started.


“Emeralda, get on the ship, I need to talk to Billy in private.” Mark requested.


“Yes… I’ll see you on the ship.” And she was off.


“Billy!” Mark started to reprimand him, “She must be good, huh?”


“What?” Billy asked.


“Never mind, Go on, get out of here.” Mark waved him off.


Billy looked at him confusingly, but complied with his order. He quickly ran into the ship, and the ship took off. “Mark?” One of the children asked, “What is Emmy good at?”


“Uh…” Mark thought of an answer, realizing that the children were all standing there, and witnessed the conversation he and Billy just had.




The song started. Everyone stood up. Elly came walking down the aisle. Bart gave out a loud fake cry. “Bart!” Margie barked at him. “This may only be practice, but let’s pretend it’s the real thing, huh?”


“Why? I should do this during the practice, so I won’t be tempted to do it during the real thing.” Bart shrugged.


“Well… when you’re right, you’re right.” Margie sighed.


“And me… I’m always right!” Bart added. Margie gave him an evil glare.


“I can’t wait for tomorrow.” Emeralda whispered into Billy’s ear.


“Why?” Billy asked.


“Why?” She spoke into his ear. “To see what Elly will look like.” She turned down her voice.


“I wonder too.” Billy said, looking back towards Elly. In T-shirt and jeans. “I think she looks fine.” He said to himself.


“Notice how the shirt shows her curves,” Fei nudged him.


Billy looked around nervously, “What do you mean?”


“C’mon!” Fei said, “I see you eyeing her.”


Emeralda overheard their conversation, “Excuse me?” She said to the two of them.


Billy looked around more franticly for an answer while Fei did the talking, “I’m just making fun of him, don’t worry. I’ll make sure he doesn’t cheat on you.”


Billy blushed, and resisted the urge to kill Fei then and there. “Good.” Emeralda nodded.


“Saved you there. You owe me one.” Fei whispered in Billy’s ear.


“Thanks.” Billy replied jokingly.


“You three done?” Margie asked, looking down on the trio. “If you are, Elly is waiting in the middle of the isle, ready to continue on her way.”


“Sorry.” Billy said quietly.”


“Do we really need to practice this? It’s easy. Band strikes up, Elly walks down, you say the magic words, and we’re married!” Fei recited the steps.


“We need to make sure it goes smoothly.” Margie explained.


“No, we…” Fei started.


“Yes! Yes we do!” Margie screamed, “Now shut up and admire the bride!”


Fei looked at her nervously, and then whirled to look at Elly. Billy looked over at Emeralda, and noticed her laughing to herself.




“I now announce you, man, and wife. Fei, you may kiss the bride.” Margie finished, closing her book.


Fei wrapped his new wife in his arms, and kissed her. She really did look beautiful, her flowing white gown tailing behind her feet, her hair let down. She really did look nice. Billy looked across the newlyweds, and saw Emeralda. She looked more magnificent then ever, her green dress complimenting her hair, also let down. If people weren’t careful, they might mistake her for the bride. Billy looked down on himself, and almost frowned. He was just wearing a simple tux, nothing too special. When he looked at Emeralda again, she saw him admiring him, like he was doing a minute ago with her. He smiled. Maybe he looked better than he thought. The two finally let each other go for some air, and quickly raced down the isle. Instantly, the men got to work. The church was built for this reason. It was a multi-tasker. It was used to wed people, than all the pews were removed, and used as a dining hall. Everyone was able to retire for a half hour, so that all the preparations could be made. Billy waited for his turn, linked his arm around Emeralda’s, and they two walked down the isle. Them two had a room to themselves, and used it to their advantage. The half hour passed by without a trace, and everyone returned to the church. The reception was going to be made there. Billy smiled at the opportunity laid out for him, a special night, to hold her close. The two were one of the last to arrive, but they were to be announced, so it was ok they were late. Well, not really. They were holding everything up. Fei and Elly shook it off, and let it slide. Once everything was ready, Citan led his wife in and gave the signal to start. The D.J. spoke into the microphone, clearly pronouncing each of the members of the wedding party. It’s been a while since he heard that word used like that. “Party.” A group in one single task. Billy’s name was called, along with the Maid of honor’s. They linked arms, and walked in, everyone cheering for them. After they took their seat, the place started to quiet down. The D.J. waited. He played around with a few buttons on his keyboard, and then loudly pronounced the name of…


“Fei and Elly Wong!”


The crowd went nuts, with a standing ovation for the two. They were everyone’s heroes. They were everyone’s parents. The crowd was all their children they all wanted to be like them. Everyone wanted to be like Fei and Elly, to save the world from total annihilation. They were the icons of the human spirit. After a while, the crowd died down, and soft music began to play.


“Fei pick this one himself Elly, he hopes you’ll like it.” The DJ said.


It was a song Billy had never heard before. The music was soft, yet had a beat to it. It was something you would sway too. It was a nice pick. Elly gave him a weird look, but smiled none the less. He could have picked a heavy metal song, but she would love him none the less.


“Well, maybe a little.” Billy whispered to himself. He looked around aware he just spoke aloud. Only Emeralda heard him.


“A little what?” She questioned.


“Never mind. I was talking to myself.” He answered. She gave him an odd look, but continued to look upon her ‘parents.’ Billy still had no idea how that worked, but it didn’t matter. It just brought him closer to the two. At first, he was just another person, helping the two save the world. Well, he really was just to save Fei’s life, but they crew had become much more. Everyone had a different reason for joining, but they all ended up at the same finish line. “I was talking to myself.” He quietly repeated to himself. He knew now that there would never be ‘himself’, anymore. He looked at Emeralda and smiled. Never again.


“Billy and Emeralda, you are wanted on the dance floor.” A voice said.


Billy looked around from his day dreaming state, and noticed that the DJ was calling them to the floor. He looked curiously at Fei, but saw him eyeballing him saying, “Get down here and hold her… like this.” Even though he didn’t say it with words. He stood up from his spot, and curled his arm in on itself. Emeralda looked up, smiled, and looped her arm around his. The two walked to the floor. She swung away from him, and held his hand with her free one. Billy pulled her arm up around his neck, and put his hand on Emeralda’s lower back. He looked down at her. They’ve known each other three years. To him, he’s known her all his life. He could tell from her eyes, she was thinking the same thing. She closed her eyes, shutting her mind from him, and rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his neck around hers and looked around at his surroundings. Everyone was staring at the two. The entire crowd was now looking at them, as if they saved the world from everything. He opened his ears and noticed the song was different from the last one. They were playing his song. “September Mermaid.” He quietly whispered to himself. As he swung around to the opposite side, he noticed that Fei and Elly were also watching from the side of the dance floor.




The aftermath was horrible. The place was littered. There was confetti everywhere. The tables were in shambles, the rug all dirtied, and hundreds of sisters trying to pick everything up for the masses the next day. “I… can’t… believe one single party can do this…” Margie was looking for the right words to say… “THIS!” was all she could find.


“That was a party wasn’t it?” Fei asked his wife.


“Not as much of a party your about to have…” Elly winked.


“We got to go!” Fei quickly said, and the two rushed out to their honeymoon.


“I hate you two!” Margie yelled after them. “Will you two at least help?”


“Uh…” Billy looked over to Emeralda, “I’m sure we can spare a minute.”


“Yeah…” Emeralda nodded.


The minute turned into hours, and the dusk slowly became into night.


“Billy, Emeralda, thanks for your help. We’ll be ok from here.” Margie said letting the two go.


“Cool, bye.” Billy said waving.


“Talk to you soon.” Emeralda said rushing behind him.


The two made it to the cottage that was their home away from home. The two got out of their fancy clothes and into leisure clothes. There was plenty of time before the sun would show itself, so the two decided to sleep. They ‘slept’, and then actually feel asleep. Billy was tossing and turning in his spot, not able to find a comfortable spot. He got up from bed, and decided to take a walk. He put on his clothes and walked outside. The cool air hit him instantly, but he loved the cold. He slipped his hands into his pockets to keep them from freezing. He looked around, and smiled at the marvels. This place was a lot more beautiful at night. It was peaceful, and quiet. He walked around and admired his surroundings. He smiled as he looked to his side. He saw a girl sitting with her head between her knees ready to cry. The girl wore a short blue dress, and had short black hair. He noticed a blue ribbon tied in her hair. “Kelvania?”


She looked up to see Billy, “Billy?”


“Are you okay?”


“Go away,” she said, hiding her head between her knees again, “I don’t want to talk.”


Billy thought about what he should do. He quietly made his way to her, and sat in the grass next to her. “C’mon. What’s bothering you?”


“No… I don’t want to talk about…”


“You really should.” he reminded her.


“You wouldn’t understand.” she scowled at him.


“You could be surprised.” was his response.


“I hate my life. There’s no more reason to be here anymore.”


“You know… I felt that way too.”


She looked at him, and smiled, “Thanks… but you don’t need to lie to me.”


“I’m serious.”


“What are you talking about? You have the girl of your dreams; your life is going perfect, what more do you need?”


“It wasn’t always going that way.”


“Yeah right…” she said huddling her head in her knees again.


“All right, believe what you want, but I was in this exact same position.”


She lifted her head again, “When?”


“Three years ago.”


“You mean after you killed dues and saved the world?”


“Yeah… but after I helped defeat dues, I noticed that there was nothing left to my life. There was no more reason to carry on.”


“You’re… not kidding…?”


“No… I actually almost killed myself.”


“Now you’re lying.”


“I’m not, ask Emeralda.”


She sighed. She now knew that he was telling the truth. “You’re serious.”


“Yeah… but look at me now.”


She pondered what he just said. He was in a good spot. She smiled. “You know… my friends would miss me.”


“You do need to keep an eye on Seraphita.”


“Don’t remind me. She almost killed herself yesterday…”




“Yeah! Stupid idiot she was, looked into a socket to see where the energy came from. Luckily I got to her before Tolone did.”


“She would have helped her into the socket, wouldn’t she?”


“Yeah… She would have.” She smiled and nodded. “If it wasn’t for me…” She smiled even more when she said this. “Thanks Billy.”


“I’m glad I could help.” He stood up and reached out his hand. Kelvania accepted his hand and stood up. The two walked in front of the house that Billy was sleeping in. “I’m glad I could have been a help.”


“I’m glad you came.”


The two stared at each other for a while. Kelvania couldn’t help herself. She lunged forward and locked lips with Billy.


“Billy? Where are…” She gasped. Billy quickly shoved Kelvania away and looked upon Emeralda’s face. “You? I can’t believe you!”


“Wait Emeralda…” Billy pleaded.


“NO! I don’t want to hear it! She stormed inside and locked the door. Billy tried using the handle anyway, but to no effect.


Kelvania was gasping from the kiss that was just shared. She had a huge smile on her face. After noticing that Billy was about to cry, She frowned. She did a terrible thing. She broke a relationship up. She was going to say something, but horrified as she was, she ran away. Billy looked around for someone, something. His life was just torn apart, just because he wanted to help someone else. He curled up into a little ball in front of the door, and cried himself to sleep. “I’m sorry…”




Billy moved his head around. He was having the nightmare of his life.


“Billy? Billy?” Emeralda came through the door.


Billy opened his eyes. When he noticed Emeralda, he stood up, and looked at her eye-to-eye. “I’m sorry… but it wasn’t what you think.”


“I know…” She replied softly, “come in, you don’t look comfortable at all.”


“Thanks.” Billy followed her into the house.


She stopped at the couch. “However, you have to sleep here.”


“I guess that’s understandable.” He shrugged.


“Good. Good night!” She smiled, and quickly retired into the main bedroom.


She didn’t even give him anything to sleep on or with. He shrugged and sat down. It was comfortable. He lay his head down on the pillow that came with it. He slowly closed his eyes before he heard a faint moan from the bedroom. “Oh… OH… OH!” It came louder and louder. He thought nothing of it, until it came again, but louder, “OH YEAH! YES! YES! YES!” It was Emeralda. He stood up, and walked to the door. He put his hand on the doorknob, but didn’t turn it. He put his ear softly to the door, to see what was going on. The bed springs were going all over the place, making all kinds of noise. “OH YES! GIVE IT TO ME!” She screamed. He was infuriated. He didn’t move though, waiting to hear more. He tried to listen for a T.V., but nothing came to him. It came one more time, “OH GOD YES!” He couldn’t take it anymore. He let go of the door knob, and kicked the door down. Emeralda had her back to him. The sheet was covering her and whoever she was with. She looked at him with disgust. “How dare you!”


“HOW DARE YOU!” Billy screamed back at her. “I get a thank you kiss from Kelvania, and here you are getting a consolation… screw… from whoever that is!”


“A consolation screw!?” She snapped. She didn’t move to show who the other person was, “You were the one who started all this!”


“ME!?” He asked, “How in the holy hell is this my fault?”


“She wasn’t giving you a thank you kiss, you were giving her a ‘here lat me show you what you can do with your tongue’ kiss!”


“I help her in a time of need…”


“That was a time of need!? You were going to loosen her up? That’s what she wanted?”


“What!? NO! She was ready to kill herself…”


“Because she wasn’t getting any!?”


“You know that’s absolutely absurd… and another thing! I wouldn’t help her with that!”


“You know… you’re right.” She said, calming down, “You are turning out to be like your father,” she raised her voice again, “A no good, leave you girl bastard!”


“LISTEN!” He shouted, but there was nothing he could say. He slowly put his hand down, and looked down. He said all he wanted to say.


“Uh… can I interrupt here?” A voice from under Emeralda said.


“Huh?” Emeralda said looking down, “Oh sure.” She slowly got off the man that was hiding behind the sheets. It was Bart.


Billy screamed. Part from shock, part from disgust, part from horror. His nightmare was coming true. He got weak kneed and fell to the floor.


“Hey c’mon man. Get up.” Bart called to him.


Billy rolled his head more, “No… not true.”




“C’mon, Billy. Get off the ground.” Bart called.


Billy opened his eyes. He noticed Bart standing above him. “Get away from me you sick man!” He yelled, as he slowly backed away from him.


“What are you talking about?” Bart asked.


“You know what. You had sex with Emeralda!”


“WHAT!?” Bart cried out, “No I didn’t!”


“What?” Billy asked him in disgust. He slowly began to survey his surroundings. He was outside the house again. He was covered in dirt, thanks to lying on the ground for however long he was on it. He looked up, and saw that the moon was still visible. He stood up, and looked through the window. What he saw put him at ease. He found Emeralda, sleeping peacefully in their bed. “Our bed…” He muttered. That was no longer allowed to be said. There would never be ‘our bed’ anymore. He sighed.


“What are you doing out here anyway? Why aren’t you in there with Emmy?” Bart asked.


Billy explained the whole thing. How he couldn’t sleep. He went out for a walk, and saw Kelvania. He explained that after helping her, he was going to walk her home, but as he was going to tuck himself in for the night, she lunged and kissed him. “That’s when Emeralda opened the door looking for me, and… here I am…”


“Man… that stinks for you, huh?” Bart said. He noticed a tear running down Billy’s face. “C’mon, your room is still there on the ship.” He outreached his hand. Billy sighed. He finally accepted his hand. The two walked to the ship. Billy didn’t care anymore; he just lost the girl of his dreams, just for being himself.




“Citan… I’m worried about him.” Bart said.


“I know… I am too.” Citan answered. “It’s been three days, and he hasn’t come out?”




Citan sighed. “Have you tried talking to him?”


“Plenty of times. It was the first thing I did.” Bart shrugged.


“And Emeralda?”


“She’ll listen, but not about him. It’s hopeless.”


“No it’s not.” Citan said, although it was looking to be that way. “We need to…” He paused. “It’s simple…” although it really wasn’t. “Well if we…” but it was no use. There was no way the two would get back together again.


“Citan, give it up, it’s not going to happen.” Bart shrugged.


“No. We must not give up.” Citan replied.


Margie came walking towards the boys, “How’s he doing?”


“We don’t know.” Bart replied.


“Then ask him.” She said.


“We tried that.” Citan shook his head.


She took a deep breath and approached his door. She knocked on it softly, “Billy?” There was no response. “Can I come in?” Still no answer. “C’mon, you have to be hungry.” She thought she heard a soft rumble, but that was the only noise coming out of the room. She looked down and sighed. “No go…” but the door slipped open.


“Only you.” was the only response from inside.


“Ok.” She said as she walked in. The door closed behind her, and locked itself.


“Where is it?” He asked.




“My food.”


“I didn’t bring any food.”


“Than why are you here?”


“I wanted to see how you were doing.”


“I’m still alive, if that’s what you want to know.” He replied, but with regret in his voice.


“Well... that’s good.” She smiled. Billy lay still for several moments, without making a move, or a sound. He wasn’t in the talking mood at all. “Well…” She started. “C’mon Billy! She’s just a girl! You can’t lock yourself in your room just because you lost her.” Billy made no sign of reply. “There are plenty of other women out there; and Kelvania…”


“Was the one who started this whole mess!” He finally turned over and looked at her eye-to-eye. “I don’t want to be with any other girl, I don’t want to be with Kelvania, I want to be with Emeralda.”


“But you can’t!” She snapped.


“Don’t you think I know that!” He sat up from his bed. “The only girl that I really love hates me, because I’m me! I help people who have problems. She had a problem, and I helped her with it.”


“You were shoving your tongue down her throat.”


“She was shoving her tongue down my throat. I didn’t want to kiss her!”


“So you saying it’s all Emeralda’s fault.”




“Then who’s is it?”


“I… I don’t know…” He replied, “I… I don’t know.” He nearly whispered.


“You think this world revolves around you don’t you?” He rolled onto his side again. “Don’t you turn away from me!”


“Go away…”




The door unlocked itself and opened, “I said go away.”


“But I’m not…”


Billy pulled out one of his guns, “I said leave!!”


Margie gasped at the force he might use on her, and quickly ran out of the room. The door shut, and locked itself again, separating them from Billy once again. They heard a gunshot in the room, and a crazy laughing in it.


“Billy’s lost it.” Margie whispered.


“I know…” Bart said.


“Who would have thought…” Citan finished.


Fei and Elly came out of there room, wondering what all the commotion was about. Fei was the first to ask, “Where’s the mad man hiding himself.”


Citan pointed to Billy’s door, “In Billy’s body.”


Fei thought this over, not knowing what was going on. “What?”


“Emeralda caught Billy kissing Kelvania.” Bart explained.


“What an awful man, treating my daughter like that.” Elly growled.


“No, no, you don’t know the whole picture…” A voice came from one of the sides.


They all looked in the direction of the voice. And saw the same black haired woman as before, “Kelvania?”


She nodded, “Yes… and I came to apologize to Billy.”


“Well… he’s not accepting any guests.” Bart said.


Kelvania looked down, “I know I have done a lot of bad things in the past, but this… I feel so bad. I was just feeling down about myself, Billy came to help me. He said he was in the same situation as me before.”


“You mean… you wanted to commit suicide?” Citan asked.


“You know?” She asked him.


“Yes, Emeralda explained it to me before. I was going to talk to him about it, but he found his own cure for it. Her.”


Kelvania looked down, and closed her eyes. “I didn’t want to cause you all so much pain.”


“We don’t care…” Bart replied.


“I’m more worried about Billy than anyone else right now.” Margie said.


“I never knew…” Elly whispered.


“Oh my god…” was all that Fei could mutter.


“Why are you apologizing to Billy? You should be apologizing to Emeralda.” Citan pointed out.


“I tried to, but she won’t talk to me. She’s shut herself in that little house in Nisan. No one is allowed in there. The door is locked.” Kelvania explained.


“This is certainly a predicament.” Citan scratched his chin, “We have to do something about this.”


“But what?” Elly implied. “Neither of the two is allowing visitors, the two don’t want to talk to each other…”


“Sir… we may have a bigger problem at hand.” A crewman was standing next to Bart.


“What? AH!” Bart said, simply turning his head to see the crewman standing right next to him. “What is it?


“It’s Emeralda, sir. We sent someone down to retrieve her. When she didn’t respond to out calls, we broke the door down, and saw that Emeralda wasn’t breathing.”


Billy’s head shot out of his door. “What?”


“It’s Emeralda, sir… She’s in the infirmary.”


Billy popped back into his room for a second, and quickly ran out. He ran right past everyone, and into the elevator. He waited for what seemed like hours until the elevator came to the floor her was looking for. He ran to the Infirmary to see Emeralda. He found her laying in one of the beds. He ran up to her. He pick up her hand, and squeezed her hand into his. She slowly turned her head to make eye contact with him.




“I’m right here for you.”


“Why are you here?”


“I heard you collapsed.”


“Now you care?”


Billy was nearly brought to tears, “I love you…”


“No you don’t… You love Kelvania…” She muttered.


“NO! No I don’t. I love you.”


“Save it.” She said, closing her eyes, and falling limp in his arms.


“No… Emeralda… Don’t go. I need you. I love you! No! Wake up! Please!” He was begging to sob.


The team rushed in to see him on a single knee, holding one of Emeralda’s limp hands in his. They all made their way out, except for Kelvania. “Billy… I’m sorry.”


Billy dropped Emeralda’s hand on her chest. He slowly stood up, and walked to his room. Kelvania walked over to where Emeralda was laying. “I’m sorry for the pain I have caused you two. It was I who kissed him. You should be made at me, not him. Please. Wake up. That man needs you… and he really does love you.


She turned her head to look at her, “Really?”


“Yes… please, you have to believe me. He was being a gentleman…”


“I know…” she replied softly, “That’s why… I still love him. Billy!” She tried to call out, but the strain was too much, and she fell asleep, once more.