Kahran Ramsus
Chapter Three: Blossom, O Fallen Seed...

Josh Gurfinkel

Recognition Code NULL- 'Grahf'


The room was dark, and Ramses sat in the middle of it, in utter silence.

"What do you want, Ramses?"

"I want to die. I have nothing to live for."

"That can be arranged. I suggest, however, that you rethink your answer. For I can arrange a great deal of things for you." Ramses stood up and looked around. The darkness shrouded all, and the mysterious visitor was nowhere to be seen.

"I want Krelian dead. I want to kill him."

"Hmm... do you request the power? Say the word and it is yours... as will Krelian's life be yours to do with as you please."

"I want it. Give it to me, and let me take my revenge."

"Ask and ye shall receive. Blossom O fallen seed and--" The doors to Ramses' quarters opened and the lights came on. The stranger was gone, but Krelian now stood in the room with Ramses.

"What? Where did he go? What did you do!?" Ramses turned to Krelian, an expression of anger upon his face.

"I called you to my throne room, boy. You did not respond. What is the meaning of this dis... where did who go?"

"I... no... no one. I apologize for my ignorance. I should have come as soon as you called, but I fear depression has overcome me."

"Does it? And from where does it spew, my good son?"

"Your actions. You killed Kazzick."

"What I did had to be done. He was a traitor to Solaris."

"NO! I refuse to believe Kazzick could do something like that! You had no right! You had no right to take his life!"

"I am ruler of Solaris. My decisions are not to be questioned, and I'm afraid it troubles me greatly to wonder as to why you seem so disturbed by them. What was it about Kazzick? Why did it matter to you so much, whether or not he lived, Ramses?"

"He... he was my father."

"No. I am your father. You'd be wise not to forget that, boy." Ramses' eyes narrowed as he stared Krelian in the face. A thought crossed his mind.

"Who is Fei? Who is Fei Fong Wong? Kazzick seemed distressed when I mentioned his name, as I spoke of you at the time of my creation."

"Hmmm... so you did tell him I called you 'trash'. Interesting... I had hoped you had forgotten."

"You leave my question unanswered."

"And so it shall remain. Fei is none of your concern. Not yet. Now, as to the reason I came here.

"I want to know who visited you two nights ago. When you were found unconscious in Kazzick's house." Ramses hesitated.

"I do not know. He merely stated he wanted to use me in some manner."

"What manner would that be?"

"I told you. As some kind of... Slayer of God."

"Has he returned?" Again, Ramses paused before speaking.

"No. No he has not." Krelian looked the boy in his eyes.

"Tell me the truth, boy. Has he... aaarrrrggghhhh!" He shouted in anguish, in mid-sentence. Krelian put his head in his hands, and fell to his knees, still screaming. "Krelian! What is wrong?" Ramses asked, stepping by his side.

"It's... the visions... they are becoming stronger... never... hurt... like this... befo..." Again, but this time only to Krelian, the darkness shrouded all.

* * *

Something wasn't right. He thought he knew what was going on, but suddenly it didn't seem to make sense.

If he's after me, then why is he taking the longer route? With all the power he's proven himself to have... why doesn't he just come after me? Why take the ventilation system through sector 5... unless... Krelian's face filled with panic.

"No... he wouldn't..." Krelian ran over to the control panel and keyed something in. "I want a blueprint of sectors 3-8. NOW!" His men scrambled, pulling up the file and sending it over to the computer console Krelian was working on. He got the file, opened it and stared at it for a few moments. Moving away from the panel, Krelian stood in front of his men, a blank expression on his face. He looked around at the others, but they were silent.

"Sir?" a concerned lieutenant asked, breaking through the silence. They looked at Krelian, and it appeared as if he knew something. Something he didn't understand before, but was now clear to him.

"No... this was never his intended destination. It's just like in the vision... I'm not his target. He's after..."

* * *

"...elian? Lord Krelian? Are you awake?" Krelian's eyes opened, and he adjusted them to the light, pouring down in full force against his retina.

"Where... where am I?" Krelian asked as he tried to get to his feet. The man before him pushed down on Krelian's chest, shoving him against the bed upon which (as Krelian had just realized) he was seated atop.

"You are in the sick bay. The citizen you were with... Ramses, or something... alerted the paramedics when you fell into unconsciousness. He told me you were screaming. As if an excruciating pain had overtaken you."

"It was... my head. Like a migraine, but a thousand times more powerful. Nothing like it has happened before... I have blacked out, though; it always results in the same dream."

"Leave the dreams to the psychiatrists, Krelian. I'm afraid I have some... well, rather confusing news for you."

Krelian sat up, a confused expression already rested upon his face. The doctor shoved him back into the hard bed.

"You must keep down, Lord Krelian. The news... that attack to your head. I have never seen a case like it before. All signs indicate you were affected by an... outside source."

Outside source? Telekinesis?

"Your heart is beating at 35 times that of a normal heart beat. Your blood has thus, begun pumping at far too rapid a rate. Technically, you should be dead, but it seems something... or perhaps, someone is keeping you alive."

Ramses? Does he have that kind of power?

"I am not ready to believe a telekinetic assault could have been the cause... I hardly believe such a thing exists... however, preliminary tests seem to point in that direction, alone.

"Of course, as I said, the idea itself seems preposterous, but then, so does the idea of a man kept alive through nanomachine technology, does it not?"

"Not to any competent scientists. Telekinesis does not exist. Nor does the Easter bunny, or the boogie man. You are mistaken. You must be mistaken."

"I can only tell you what I am told by our computers, my lord. As I said, I am not entirely sure whether I believe them or not, myself."

Krelian got to his feet.

"My lord, for the last time, you must..."

"No one tells me what I must and mustn't do, doctor."

"It is your health, my lord. If you wish to remain alive, you will heed my warnings."

"I must go, now. When my business is done, I will return. But for the moment I must leave." The doctor sighed.

"As you wish, my lord. I suppose I cannot stop you from killing yourself, if that is your desire."

Krelian, without so much as a glance at the man before him, walked out of the room.


Krelian paused as he made his way down the hall, his chest searing with a fiery pain unlike any he had felt before. He checked both ways to ensure no one was walking by, then fell to the ground and gripped his heart. The beating was getting faster and he felt his entire body begin to throb. He clawed at his chest, scratching furiously in a vain attempt to hide the pain from himself. Hearing footsteps in the distance, Krelian jumped to his feet, and rearranged the painful expression on his face, awaiting the officer who strolled by at what seemed too slow and casual a pace.

"Lord Krelian," he acknowledged with a respectful nod as he passed by. Krelian stared back coldly until the man was far off enough for him to find his way back to the ground again.

Ugh... this is insane. I have to find Ramses quickly, and get him to stop this attack. Telekinesis... I did not give him that ability. How did he come to posses it?

Is he truly willing and ready to kill me over my decision to rid of Kazzick? Is this... what Grahf tried to warn me of? I must act soon, lest this attack finishes me.

Krelian returned to his feet and began walking at a faster pace down the halls of Solaris, completely unsure as to where to begin searching. He walked, faster, further, for what seemed a veritable eternity. His heart continued racing at a faster pace, and he felt his face becoming paler, warmer. Shortly, as he passed down the Gebler offices, he felt his ears beginning to bleed, and his eyes slowly imploding. He rubbed them viciously with his hands, then stuck a finger and rubbed around the inside of his ear. Nothing. No blood, no signs of impending danger. But he felt it. He felt the bleeding.

This has to stop.

He walked faster. It wasn't just his eyes anymore. His whole head felt about ready to pop. Without warning, he saw Ramses walk stealthily around a corner in the hallway across from Krelian. He looked around, and as he stared in his direction, Krelian tucked himself against the wall. When Ramses noticed no one in the surrounding area, he began walking in the opposite direction.

Where is he headed? And why is he being so careful... as if he does not want to be seen?

Krelian stepped out from his hiding place around the bend of the corner, and began to walk in the direction Ramses had took (it was not until later that he had noticed he was now completely ignoring the pain, agonizing as it may have been). He jogged, keeping his head down, until he saw Ramses standing outside the turbolift doors. There was a whirring noise indicating the turbolift had arrived, and the doors opened swiftly, Ramses already stepping inside. Krelian waited for the doors to close, then ran to the computer console by them. He keyed in a few quick commands, then asked of the computer, "Where is turbolift four headed?" The computer whirred, then responded.

"Authorization code?" It asked. Krelian opened his mouth to speak, when an excruciating sense of pain overcame him, one he could not have ignored. His chest burned, and he felt blood pouring out of his ears again. Struggling to stay on his feet, he blurted out his code in a quick mumble. The computer whirred again, then stated, "Authorization code is not recognized. Please restate."

"Ugh... I said... 0404676..." he told it, this time slower. The computer processed the code, and a screen featuring the path of turbolift four popped up.

"Turbolift four is currently stopped at Deck 7, Section 12." Krelian turned the terminal off, then made his way quickly to the elevator doors. He waited for the doors to open, then entered and typed in his destination of 'Deck 7, Section 12'. It moved rapidly, descending faster and faster, and the vibrations were not helping Krelian's throbbing head in the least. He considered asking the turbolift to stop for a moment, so he could get his bearings, but realized if he was ever going to find Ramses, it wouldn't be by taking unnecessary breaks. Of course, what couldn't and could be deemed 'unnecessary' was open to debate. The lift stopped, and Krelian fell to the ground. The pain was getting worse. The doors swung open just in time for Krelian to see Ramses across the hall, entering someone's quarters. No. Not someone's. It was Ramses' own quarters. He was going back. Krelian got to his feet, and walked over to the doors. He opened them slightly, and inside there was only darkness.


Ramses turned to face the doctor, and spoke.

"Will he be all right?"

"I'm not sure. The account of events you described would seem to indicate some form of telekinetic assault, as do preliminary tests. But that kind of thing is pretty much unheard of... though there have been some occurrences..."

"Occurrences? This has happened before?" He shook his head and changed the subject. "Do you have any idea who might have done this?"

"I'm afraid not."

But, then, I suppose I know who did it. The dark man. The god-hater. He attacked Krelian...

"Would you keep me updated as to his condition? If it worsens, I would like to know."

"Of course... Ramses was it?"


The boy walked out of the room, and it was then that he heard it.

Come, Ramses... it called. Come to me. Krelian is not your concern at the moment. I can give you unimaginable power. It is time. Ramses looked around, but saw no one. He decided it must have been coming from inside his head.

You attacked Krelian. You could have killed him. You promised his death to me, dark man.

And so you shall have it. I attacked him, but did not kill him. True, the after-effects will be painful, and may last, but he will not die. Not until you will it so.

You came too close, dark man. Watch yourself next time.

I apologize. And you may call me Grahf, Ramses.

Very well, Grahf.

Ramses headed over to his quarters, careful to ensure no one was following him. He did not want to be disturbed yet again. After twenty minutes, which to Ramses felt like an eternity, he was at his quarters. And then there was darkness.


"We were interrupted," Ramses said, looking around his quarters for the visitor.

"As I said, such matters have been taken care of. We may resume... if still, you desire the power."

"Of course I do. Krelian must be made to pay for his crimes."

"And so he shall. Blossom, O fallen seed, and draw upon thy--"

"Wait. Someone is approaching."

"No. He is already here. The darkness enshrouds all. Not just me, but it seems you, Krelian, as well." Krelian stepped forward, and Ramses could barely see his outline in the dark.

"What the hell is going on? I was told a telekinetic blast put me in the condition I awoke to find myself in. I assumed it to be Ramses, but it now seems more apparent it was you, Grahf. Ramses told me, inadvertently, that you had come to him... when he spoke of the Slayer of God. So tell me, Grahf. Why do you wish me dead? The visions. That's what they were about, were they not? You wish to give Ramses the power to kill me."

"You are mistaken. You have misinterpreted them, as I suspected you would. Your life is not in danger. Not in any... physical manner."

"What are you two talking about? I am no one's puppet!" Ramses shouted in bewilderment.

"No. Not yet, my boy. It seems we must part once more. But the next time, you will receive what you so desire. And then, nothing can stop the future from becoming the present." The darkness began to fade, and slowly Ramses saw more and more of Krelian. He looked tired, almost in pain.

"Krelian. I..."

"Take his power if you wish, child. You will not kill me. Nothing will; for I am power personified. Power beyond power. Now, if you will excuse me... there are matters I must attend."

"You give me your blessing in this matter, Krelian? Then you are a fool. I will kill you, for you cannot win. No evil deed goes unpunished."

"Believe as you wish. In the end, you will fail. Just as Kazzick did. The future is made only on my authority. Both you and Lacan will soon realize that." Krelian left Ramses' quarters.

He laid down on his couch, and hugged his pillow.

No... the future cannot be yours to shape... it is mine...


Karen turned her head, and focused on an object in the distance. She held her vision steady, then pushed, shoving and forcing herself upon her body's very being.

I don't care how much Fei means to you, she thought, I will not be subdued. I will not be denied control, not by you. Give up! I am a part of you. I am the whole of you. This battle is fought in vain, for you cannot defeat me.

Then it came, a powerful voice, one that sent shivers up Miang's spine. No one had ever done that to her before.

The voice was strong, and it's message was simple.

You will not hurt my son.

Miang fell to the ground and lost her concentration. And for a moment, she almost lost control of the body, itself.

But just a moment.

Then, she was back on her feet.

She smiled, trying to fool Karen into believing she was not afraid, that she still felt in control. But it was a pointless effort.

You will not hurt my son, she had said.

Well, Miang thought in return, fighting back with threats and words, the only way she really knew how.

We shall see.

End Interlude


Krelian felt tired and he slumped in his throne. Naturally, his subordinates were filled with counterfeit concern, as they had never seen him in such a state. One walked over to him and asked if he was all right.

Frustrated, Krelian pulled out his blaster and shot the man, leaving an large indent in his head. He fell to the ground, blood spilling everywhere, and the officers stared at Krelian in shock, accompanied, this time, by a genuine concern for their own lives.

Krelian looked at them and smiled. "Is something the matter?" He asked, his grin growing larger.

"N, n, n, no-- no sir," one officer replied. Krelian blinked and his smile was gone.

"Good. Now get someone over here to clean up this mess."

"Y, yes, sir, r-- right away, sir," another officer said, and began calling for a 'cleanup crew'. Krelian slumped some more, allowing exhaustion to overcome him (the first time since that night Grahf had come to his room and proclaimed Krelian's doom was nigh). The throbbing in his head had at last stopped, but he could still feel some remnants of the pain, an echo left behind as the aching departed.

An excited lieutenant stormed in, his smile quickly dissolving as he stared at the carcass lying before Krelian.

Krelian let the young man take everything in for awhile before addressing him. "Have you something to report?"

"Um... y, yes sir. The Koraf has been taken down, per your instructions. The captain of the Instigator said it was a simple task."

Of course it was a simple task. I had the blueprints of that ship embedded in my mind, I knew all of its vulnerabilities. If Shevat truly believed they could hang onto it, they were sadly mistaken.

"Very good, lieutenant. You are dismissed."

"Y, yes sir," he replied, and took his leave.

Krelian put his head in his hands, and succumbed to the temptation of slumber, at long last.

* * *

"Hello, Ramses."

"Grahf. I am ready. We will not be interrupted again."

"I know. The time has at last come, my boy. My will incarnate...

Blossom 'O fallen seed, and draw upon thy hidden powers..."


"Emergency! Sound the alarms! Get Security Unit -Core- to the Throne Room. Repeat, this is a code one emergency! We are under attack!"

Krelian woke abruptly, the sound of sirens disrupting his deep slumber. He glanced around, and noticed his men running about frantically. Some members of his private security unit, -Core- were already by his side, guns poised in their arms, ready to protect him; to die for him.

"What in God's-- what the hell is going on here?" Krelian demanded. One of the security officers by him responded.

"There is an emergency, Lord Krelian. Etrenank is under attack."

"Attack? How? By whom?"

"We are unsure. Decks 1 through 3 have been wiped out entirely. We tried waking you to get you out of the area, but you wouldn't budge. -Core- was brought down here instead."

"Decks 1 through 3? Has our location been compromised, our shields?"

"No, my lord. The attack has come from inside Etrenank."

"Insi--" No... Ramses... Grahf must have given him it... the power he so desired... he has come to kill me. "Is there a pattern to this assailant's movements?"

"We believe he is heading through sector 2 right now. It is our suspicion he is on his way here. Rumours abound that he has spoken your name along his route."

He's coming through sector 2? But wouldn't that be the longest way here? There is no logic in such a move. With the amount of security sure to intercept him along the way, he could be fighting for days, if not weeks. So then... what is this game he's playing...?

* * *

"Freeze, or die!" a security officer screamed out, louder than he thought he possible.

Look at my hands, he thought, they're shaking. I... I'm panicking. Oh man, how can I stop a guy capable of taking out three decks on my own? When's backup getting here?

"You are afraid," the attacker pointed out bluntly, more fact than question. "Afraid of dying. Afraid of death itself. But most of all, you fear me. Do not be afraid. My intent is only to free you from this meaningless existence, and nothing more. You serve Krelian, and in doing so, you unwittingly aid his mad ambitions. I want to help you stop. Let me save your soul... allow me to cleanse it with the purifying embrace of the death you so fear. Only thus can you atone for the sins Krelian his placed upon you and enter the realm of God. His heaven."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I go to stop Krelian. I do the work of God, as he has willed I must. I will save you. His Kingdom come..."

"Freeze, or I swear I'll kill you!" the officer retorted, panic once more creeping into his voice.

The man before him waved his hand at eye level, and suddenly the security officer lay on the ground, nothing more than a pile of ash.

"His will be done."

* * *

"The fool believes the work he is doing is for the sake of God. Has he not yet realized I am merely using him as a means to an end? Ramses will attack Krelian, and Krelian will hence, come to me.

"For Krelian knows the location of the true 'Contact', and yet, he has managed to keep it from me. He even believes he has managed to keep his very existence from me. But the time grows nigh and I must know where the boy is, so I can claim him, and end this tragic cycle. Then, together- for only as one, can this task be achieved- we will kill the very being I have sought to destroy for so long.

"The entity that has bound me to this cruel fate. The entity that forced the world upon Sophia and I, and forced her fate (her very life!) to consistently end in sacrifice...

"Play your part well for me, boy.

"I am counting on you."

* * *

"Explain something to me," Krelian turned to one of his security units as he posed the question. "What possible reason could there be for Ramses- and I do know it is him- to take this course? He is traveling along a longer route, making his way slowly down to this room. I know he knows the shorter routes, for he has traveled them with Kazzick, before his... execution. So why does he come this way? Hm?"

"I do not know, sir."

"Nor do I," he stated bluntly. "But I have a theory. He is attempting to frighten me. But reports indicate that he is about to reach Delta Sector. There is a split there, a fork in the road, if you will. If he takes the path through the Beta labs, he will be on his way here. If he takes the path through the Alpha labs, he is either heading somewhere else, or truly bent on wasting all our time..." And, then, as if on cue, a lieutenant interrupted.

"He has gone into the Alpha labs, sir. And... sir, he's entered the ventilation systems. The ones connected to the outer edges of sector 5."

Krelian's face lit up with shock, a sense of disbelief and even confusion coursing through his veins.

Something wasn't right. He thought he knew what was going on, but suddenly it didn't seem to make sense.

If he's after me, then why is he taking the longer route? With all the power he's proven himself to have... why doesn't he just come after me? Why take the ventilation system through sector 5... unless... Krelian's face filled with panic.

"No... he wouldn't..." Krelian ran over to the control panel and keyed something in. "I want a blueprint of sectors 3-8. NOW!" His men scrambled, pulling up the file and sending it over to the computer console Krelian was working on. He got the file, opened it and stared at it for a few moments. Moving away from the panel, Krelian stood in front of his men, a blank expression on his face. He looked around at the others, but they were silent.

"Sir?" a concerned lieutenant asked, breaking through the silence. They looked at Krelian, and it appeared as if he knew something. Something he didn't understand before, but was now clear to him.

"No... this was never his intended destination. Lacan tried to warn me... just like in the visions, but I failed to see their point. I failed to listen. I'm not his target. He's after..."

* * *

If anything, Ramses was not tired. That amazed him. He destroyed three entire decks of Etrenank, laid waste to some 300 of Krelian's unwitting legions, and traveled near 70 kilometers to get this far. And yet, here he stood (or rather, crawled) not a bit of exhaustion creeping into his body. He had never felt so powerful.

These shafts are built far too narrow. It is difficult to get around in them. I should've just walked over to the door, and opened it from there. But only Krelian has the proper access to that area, and blowing it up would take too much time, with security breathing down my neck. No, I think perhaps the ventilation shafts was the better choice.

And alas, I am almost there. When I am done, this will be a day Krelian will long remember. The day he lost Solaris...

Ramses found his way to the end of the shaft, and pulled the steel grating blocking his entrance to the room, away. Then he slid out and got to work.

* * *

Krelian sprinted to the door, and almost made it out, when a security officer grabbed him by his arm and jerked him back.

"Lord Krelian, you must stay here, where we can protect you."

"No, you fool, unhand me! Just get on the line and tell -Core- to follow me. Ramses is not coming here, but he must be stopped before his true plan can be achieved."

"True plan? Sir?"

"There is no time! Just issue the order! I am going. You can catch up with me later." Again sprinting, Krelian made it to the turbolift in under a minute.

"Sector Five, section Zeta B," he commanded of the computer, and already, it began to move. Krelian waited impatiently and the second the doors opened, he was out, running over to the end of the hall. As he ran, he pulled his key card from his front pocket. He stopped at the huge doors, almost colliding with them, and quickly slid the card through the authorization device.

"Please state your authorization code," it asked.

"0404676," he replied hastily.

"Beginning retina scan."

Dammit! Why the hell did I have to build in so many security precautions to this area?

"Retina scan complete. You may enter, Lord Krelian."

"Allow members of security unit -Core- to follow. None else," Krelian demanded.


Krelian stormed into the room as the doors swung open. Inside stood Ramses, fiddling with the controls. Krelian pulled his blaster out and aimed it at him.

"Stop this immediately, boy."

"You can put that away, Krelian. It will do you no good. You have already lost this battle." Suddenly, the entire security unit stormed in and had the room surrounded. Ramses ignored them, and continued with his work.

"Stop, Ramses, or I will order you killed."

"You cannot kill me," he replied, moving over to another console. Krelian fired off a blast, destroying it, before Ramses could do anything.

"You will not take my Solaris from me, boy."

"Your efforts are futile, Krelian. Are you so blind that you cannot see that?" Ramses gestured with his arm, and the panel rebuilt itself. He returned to his work. "Lacan has made you strong," he noted.

"Indeed. And it is a strength only I can take from him." Suddenly, there was darkness.

"Are you afraid, Krelian? Afraid that Ramses will shut down your gate and leave the cloaking shield of your empire, off? Then both Shevat and Elru will know of it's location, and they will take it from you. Your plans will be forever soiled. So tell me, Krelian... are you afraid?"

"Dammit, Lacan, no more games! Tell me what you want and it will be yours, just stop him!"

Grahf walked up to Krelian and lifted him by the neck, choking him.

"You have kept the location and existence of the 'Contact' hidden from me. You tried to stand in the way of my plans, Krelian. I am not happy. Rectify the situation. Tell me where he is." He tightened his grip.

"I... only kept... it... hidden from you, because you... ack... you would try to force yourself into his... ugh... body. He is... too young... he would die... We were instead trying to draw his... power out... so we could use him... To attempt to... ack... control him would be... to seal... his... fate."

"Then I will draw his power from him. I will prepare him for his destiny. Just tell me where he is."

"On the outskirts... of Nisan, in a small house in the... forest. You should find it easily. It is home to Kahn... the leader of Nisan's forces... Miang his taken control of Kahn's... wife... Karen. She is watching... over the boy. His... name is... Fei."

"Fei... I will take him. I will make him into the assassin you crave, and deliver him to you when I am done. But when the time comes, and I need him, I will take him back. He is not yours, Krelian. He is mine. Be sure to remember that." Grahf dropped the other to the ground. He gestured his arm towards Ramses.

"There. The boy's power is gone. You may save your precious empire." Krelian pulled out his blaster immediately, and shot Ramses (or at least hoped as much, as he could not see well in the dark) down. The boy screamed out in anguish, and fell into unconsciousness. He heaved a sigh of relief, then rubbed his throat, feeling the air begin to flow back into his lungs.

He returned his attention to Grahf.

"Is this really necessary, Lacan? Why not work together? What a formidable duo we would make. Our objectives constantly parallel, our goals cannot be so different. We both need each other, you know that as well as I. Join me, Lacan."

"Hmpf! What a fool you are, Krelian. You misunderstand entirely. Our goals are not at all similar. We both require Sophia, we both require the 'Contact', true... but, in the end, it comes down to a simple matter, a simple difference: "You seek to create God;

"I seek to destroy Him."

And suddenly, there was light.


"Where... am I? Have I... lost? It's so dark here. Fitting I suppose, given that I led a life of darkness. In death, must I face the same?"

"You are not dead, Ramses. It is dark because your eyes are closed."

"I can't feel them. I can't feel anything. Are you sure I'm not dead?"

"Trust me, boy. I would not allow that. You are garbage, but even one such as you may prove useful in the future. One must prepare for every variable, every possibility. I have every faith that Grahf can awaken Fei. But he plans on taking him back at a whim. So I must prepare for that. I will not kill you, Ramses, because you may yet be required to take the place of the 'Contact' in my plans."

"If the real 'Contact' dies?"


"Grahf believes he is in power. He played me for a fool. Do you not think he will do the same to you? That he will not allow your plans to be completed?"

"You are right. Grahf believes he is in charge, and I have allowed his ego to merely grow. It is time I contain him, use him to further my own goals."

"And how do you intend to take on that task?"

"Simple. I will persuade him to use his powers and those he promised to draw from Fei, to destroy my enemies. I will have him take apart Elru. And Solaris will be stronger for it."

"You would kill them?"


"All of them?"

"If need be."

There was a brief pause, a hesitation, as Ramses considered his next words.

"You are insane, Krelian."

"Perhaps. Or perhaps it is only my sense of sanity that stands in the way of humanity and all that threatens to destroy it. Our race is obsessed with greed, they are power-hungry and they live for the slaughter. They are entertained by it. I am merely trying to provide them with the path they abandoned. The path that God, the god that abandoned them, meant for them to follow. And I will achieve my goal. I swore I would create God with my very own hands. And so I shall... by any means necessary."

"Noble as your mad intentions may be, they are riddled with insanity. You will die for them Krelian. Kazzick saw it first, and now, so do I. You cannot control the fate of a species."

"We shall see.

"Ah, my men are here. They will take you, Ramses. You may wish to open your eyes. There is much ahead for you; much to see."

"I will, Krelian. But for now let me live in the fantasy that I am dead. I have nothing to live for."

"Then, perchance, I should give you something to live for."

Another hesitation.

"That... would be nice."

And for Ramses, without the assistance of Grahf, or any other, there was darkness.

End of Chapter 3