Chapter Six:

" The night wind sighs,

Whispering soundless words.

And the pale moon draws ever closer

To the shadowed star... "

Reya felt her knees go weak with the sudden loss of tension and she slumped down to the floor. Sitting with her back against the door, she sucked in deep breaths of air slowly as a means to calm her hammering heart. Raising a hand to her face, Reya touched her slightly tender lips with her fingers even as she regard the unconscious man at her feet. He was breathing in the steady rhythm of sleep, each breath heavy with the reek of liquor.

What am I going to do with him? And how did he end up here in my room? I only told Graine the access code... Igraine! Oh, that woman! Reya was starting to get a very good picture of whose brilliant idea it was. She studied his features as she considered what to do with him. The rumors about him were true after all; Sigurd was a very handsome man. His cheekbones were angular giving his face an aristocratic bearing that she found appealing. But as appealing as he might be, there was no way Reya was letting him spend the night in her room, drunk or not.

Reya ran through a list of the people she could ask for help from mentally and dismissed all except for Hyuga. Igraine and Jessie were most likely the mastermind of the whole thing so asking them to help her remove Sigurd was out of the question. Perhaps Kahr and Hyuga were also involved but she just did not felt comfortable with the idea of asking her brother so that left only Hyuga. Reya felt that she could count on his sense of discretion if nothing else. Having decided on her course of action, Reya hauled herself to her feet and was about to pick up her intercom unit when she heard something.

" Father..."

" Father... I gave you my word... "

" Take care of him... brother... "

" I'll return... I swear... "

Noln? There was no mistake; it was the desert language. Reya recognized the almost musical resonance of the words even though it had been years since she last heard or spoke a single Noln word. Besides her late teacher, Sigurd and her were probably the only people in Solaris who knew the language.



Reya breathed the two words a touch poignantly into the silent night. How many families have been torn apart? How many have lost their loved ones to this city in the sky? She wondered her glance full of pity and regret as she regarded Sigurd. Uttering a sigh, she kneeled over by his side. He was sprawled belly down in an ungainly heap after being floored by her punch and the least Reya could do was settle him in a more comfortable position.

Turning him over was harder than Reya thought as she struggled a little with his weight. The man was heavy, dead drunk. Just as she was about to succeed, Sigurd gave her another surprise. One arm snaked around her waist, pulling, making her loose her balance and Reya fell right on top of him. Before she could get off him, his other arm wrapped itself around her, effectively trapping her in his embrace.

Not again! Reya groaned inwardly. Encounters with Sigurd outside official Jugend business seemed to have an unhealthy tendency for her to end up in his arms. If she was not sure that he was drunk, she could have swore that the man did it purposely. At least Reya was grateful that he was not squeezing the breath out of her. She tried to wriggle her way out of his hold but failed miserably. Her headache was getting worse and venting an exasperated sight, Reya stopped her futile struggles.

As she slowly relaxed, she also became more aware of her companion. Sigurd clasped her firmly yet gently and Reya could feel his quiet strength around her. It was like the way that Igraine used to hold her when she was upset but at the same time the feeling was different. Reya felt comforted, protected and ... cherished. But it was much more than the solace offered by a sister. It was like the regard of a lover...

Listening to the steady rhythm of Sigurd's beating heart with her head resting upon his chest for the second time, Reya closed her eyes and briefly contemplated her own feelings. Her mind gave silent voice to so many questions yet there were no answers. Abandoning it as a lost cause, Reya moved a little tentatively, attempting to slip free again and this time she succeeded. His arms finally relaxed in deep sleep slackening his grip. Brushing aside a fall of fine silver hair away from his face, Reya lightly ran her fingers over the panes of his face.

Perhaps I could fall in love after all... A faint smile touched her lips. Rising to her feet, Reya picked up her intercom unit.

" Hyuga? "

Sigurd sat alone at in a remote corner of the shokudo, one hand wrapped around a cup of steeping hot coffee while the other nursed his tender left cheek against a small icepack. He was thankful that his dark amber skin concealed the fact that a massive bruise decorated one side of his face. It was hard to imagine how he would have look like with that bruise had he been fair skinned. The chill numbed his aching jaw somewhat but could not do the same for the pounding headache that racked his brain.

I must have been drinking last night... Sigurd stared at the black swirling depths of his coffee, trying to puzzle out exactly what had happened and how he end up with this one hell of a bruise. It hurt to think but Sigurd was not giving up until he recalled the missing gap in his memories about the previous night.

He had been heading towards his room after a fruitless wait at the Church grounds for Reya to show up. Igraine had called the Lab to check after her but other than finding out Reya was still at there, nothing else had been revealed. Disappointed at not being able to see her, Sigurd was resigned to a quiet night when Jessie turned up, whiskey bottles in tow together with Kahr and Hyuga.

The rest was a hazy blur yet there was something else that Sigurd could distinctively remember. The elusive scent of a woman... and the soft velvet that was her lips. There was no mistake; he had kissed a woman. But the question is... who was she? He had pretty much abstained from intimate company of any sort with other women ever since he set eyes on Reya. The woman fairly haunted his subconscious.

" Morning, Sig! Had a good night? " Jesse greeted him jovially, looking none the worse after a night of heavy drinking.

Sigurd was at least comforted to lift his head up and find that Kahr and Hyuga looked not much better than he did with bloodshot eyes and slightly emaciated features. He greeted all of them somewhat lukewarmly without his usual enthusiasm, mindful of both his aching head and bruised cheek.

" Good night? A night is never good when the company happened to be you. " Sigurd threw Jessiah a totally disgruntled look.

" What was that devil's brew you forced down our throats last night? I'll probably never get my proper voice back again, no thanks to you, " Kahr's voice was noticeably one octave lower and hoarser.

" Ungrateful brats!! You should be honored that I was inclined to share my treasured vintage whiskey. And what's this talk about forcing? I didn't put a gun to your heads, did I? Damn! Shouldn't have wasted it on the likes of you all. "

Hyuga expressed a decidedly pained look as he watched Jessiah and his two friends trade insults. Contrary to how other people would have perceived their argument, Hyuga knew the words spoken really had no heat. It was just a part of the usual bantering among close friends but due to the punishing headache he was also afflicted with; Hyuga was not so appreciative of the volume. Jessiah was working himself up in to a fine style, ranting about the three of them being unappreciative when he turned the tables back on Sigurd again.

" My, oh my... is that a bruise I see on your face? "

Sigurd had just taken a swallow of his coffee when Jessiah slugged him under the belt with that comment. The mouthful of liquid interrupted on its course down his throat reacted violently by choking him. Hyuga and Kahr came to his aid immediately, pounding Sigurd's back. Finally managing to swallow the offending bitter liquid, Sigurd threatened certain death with the glare he dealt Jessiah. The recipient of his scowl was far from repentant. Unable to stand it anymore, Jessiah burst out guffawing.

" Gwa ha ha ha! This is so funny! I can't take it anymore! " Banging the table in his mirth, the older man struggled to bring himself under control but one look at Sigurd set him off in a fresh bout of laughter.

" Just what the hell is so funny? " Sigurd's azure eyes shifted from Jessiah to regard both Hyuga and Kahr suspiciously.

Kahr, never adept at hiding his feelings, coughed a little self-consciously. His eyes roaming restlessly all over the place unable to meet Sigurd's glance. A small knowing smile hanged on the corner of Hyuga's mouth, concealed by the act of adjusting his glasses.

" H-y-u-g-a, " Sigurd purposely dragged the name with deadly intent. " Tell me what is going on NOW! "

" Well... "

" Tell him, Kahr. He's bound to find out sooner or later. " Hyuga deftly pushed the dubious honor of telling Sigurd what happened last night onto Kahr's hapless shoulders.

" Me? Wait a minute! You guys were... "

" Oh! Is it really so hard to say? You men are so useless when it comes to such things. Let me do the telling. " Igraine's impatient voice cut him off even as she made her way over to the four men.

Dropping into the vacant seat beside Hyuga, Igraine studied Sigurd's face intently before she gave a resigned sigh. Reaching into a pouch on her belt, she withdrew a single silver coin, which she tossed over to Jessie. Sigurd watched, a little stupefied, as Hyuga and Kahr did the same, sliding two identical coins across the table towards Jessie.

" Wohoo! Capital for more whiskey! I told you so. She'll sock him and she did. " Jessie smirked a trifle gleefully.

" I certainly didn't expect that so I guess you won the bet fair and square. "

" Bet? What bet? "

" It's very simple really, Sigurd. You see we were getting concerned about the progress that you have made so far at my sister... so we decided to give you a little help... "

Sigurd apprehensively approached the small gate that lead to the church garden. She would be there... That was what Igraine had said and she had warned him severely not to miss the opportunity. He had never been so unsure of himself before as he grasped the handle of the gate. His mind screamed at him to turn and flee but at the same time, his heart yearned to see her with such intensity that it had almost become a kind of pain. Taking a deep breath, Sigurd's hand was frozen on the brass handle for a moment before he made his choice.

Nothing would ever be the same again...

He opened the gate and walked in.

She was standing before one of the walls of the church, one slender hand pressed against the cold hard stone, tracing the commandments that have been carved there long ago. Her demeanor radiated a sense of sadness as she touched the carved letters one by one. Her eyes held a distant cast that told Sigurd that even though she was physically standing before him, her mind was far away.

Sigurd watched her in silence, not knowing what to say. He burned with acute embarrassment as he recalled the humiliating incident that happened the night before. For all he knew, Reya had called him here so she could skin him alive for daring to take liberties on her person. But it was a kiss worth dying for...

" Sigurd... "

Her slightly husky voice broke through his reverie.

" Didn't you have something to say to me? "

She faced him, her earlier preoccupation with the cravings over. The melancholic air that hovered about her was gone as if it had never been. This was the second time that Sigurd had seen it happen. But even though her face revealed not a trace of her earlier feelings, his uncanny ability to read below the surface told him a different story. Something had made her unhappy.

Sigurd's answer to her question was to close the distance between them. Her emerald eyes were shimmering pools of iridescent green reflected by the approaching twilight. A light evening wind blew strands of her midnight tresses across her face and he reached out to brush them away. But his hand lingered close to her face, wanting to touch yet he dared not. One wrong move and I'll scare her away...

It was Reya who stepped away first and Sigurd felt a sharp pang of loss as the silken strands of her hair slipped through his fingers. Given her experience with him last night, Sigurd did not blame her for wanting to put some distance between them.

" I'm sorry... "

" I'm sorry... "

Both of them apologized simultaneously and stared at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing. The sound of laughter lightened the silent intimate atmosphere that had enveloped them.

" Hmm... Just what is it that you are apologizing for? " Merriment danced in her eyes as she glanced at him inquiringly.

Reya's hands were clasped behind her back, her head tilted to one side as she waited for Sigurd to answer her. She looked so young and girlish that Sigurd was surprised once again. This woman was an invaluable jewel with myriad facets that he has yet to discover.

" Well, I'm apologizing for that rotten trick that Jessie and Igraine played on you. I can't believe how they managed to convince Hyu and Kahr to join them. I'm also sorry for my low tolerance to alcohol that made me an accomplice. "

" Only my sister and Jessie are capable of something like this. I think it's time for another long talk with her. Oh, I should apologize to you too. I didn't mean to hit you so hard. It was dark and I couldn't see. Does it hurt? "

Sigurd's heart almost stopped when she gently cradled his injured cheek against the palm of her hand. She was like the wind, so elusive. One moment so far away and distant, the next, she was by his side. And damned if I'll let her slip away!

Her brilliant eyes regarded him with genuine concern and it touched him much deeper than the empty promises of love that his past lovers had ever whispered against his ear in the throes of passion. He lifted his left hand, covering hers that rested against his face.

" It still hurts and I guess I deserved it. But... "

His deep blue eyes held her green as he whispered.

"I'm not sorry for kissing you... "

She could not look away.

The gathering darkness darkened his eyes into a deep blue ocean that held her. Time stood still as they stood in the garden, frozen in a little moment of eternity. Reya lightly brushed the cool dusky skin beneath her fingertips and his hand closed gently against hers as he brought her hand to his lips to return the gesture. He watched her under shadowed eyes, a silent challenge daring her to pull away.

" I can see that... " An amused smile crossed Reya's face.

" What can you see? " Sigurd murmured the words, each breath a light caress against the palm of her hand.

" You are not sorry. "

" Yes, I am not and if I wanted to kiss you now, would you let me? " His tone was playful and inviting.

" Are you asking me? " Reya rested her thumb against Sigurd's lower lip, answering his question with another.

" I am and would you? "

" Are you drunk, Sigurd? "

Reya had to bite back her amusement as she jolted Sigurd with her out of the blue inquiry. She tried to take advantage of the fleeting distraction to free her hand from his all too familiar contact but he recovered too quickly. His hand caught hers within scant inches away from his face. Reya closed her eyes, a small sign of her exasperation. She was thankful that Sigurd did not hold her hand to his lips again but he did managed to pull her closer to him though.

" No, Reya. I'm stone cold sober tonight. " His voice was heavy with irony as he smiled at her.

" And you did not answer me. Would you let me kiss you? "

" Perhaps... "

She hated to dash his hopes but the short time that she could spare was running out.

" ... But not tonight because I have to go... "

" Where? " He whispered the word against her ear.

" The Lab. I have to see him. "

Reya felt rather than heard Sigurd's sigh and a touch of guilt awoke in her. She had been using him as a solace, a calming presence to brace her against the cold detached displeasure of one man. Reya turned her head, using her hair as a curtain to hide her face. The brief gaiety banished as she prepared her emotions. Fully expecting Sigurd to release her from his hold, she was startled when he pressed her head gently to rest on his shoulder. Instead of letting her go, Sigurd hugged her tighter still, silently giving her the strength she had not dared to ask for.

" Sigurd... "

" Hush... Don't say anything. You don't have to say anything. "

His hand stroked her hair over and over again as if she was a little child. The simple movement calmed and comforted Reya, making her wish for moment to last a little longer before reality intruded. It was with regret when she gently pushed herself away from his support and he loosened his embrace reluctantly.

" I'm sorry, Sigurd. "

Reya lowered her head in apology unable to meet the concern in his eyes but Sigurd would not accept it. His right hand tipped her chin up as his head bend down until they could see each other face to face.

" No. There's nothing to apologize for. I am honored that you would chose me... Don't be sorry, Reya. Think of it... as a favor instead. A small favor with a small price... "

" A price? And how would I pay? " Deep in her heart, Reya already knew what she would have to pay but still she asked.

Snaring her with the full force of his hypnotic cerulean eyes, Sigurd softly demanded his price.

" Reya... Kiss me. "