Chapter Four:

" Strains of a distant song,

Playing on and on.

Ghostly whispers upon the wind,

Dissipating with the light of dawn... "


  " He what? " Igraine almost fell off her chair in surprise.

  " Sigurd asked Reya if Krelian was her lover, " Kahr replied, still unable to believe what his ears have really heard.

  " Her lover! Thank goodness all those cadets are already gone when he said that. And what did Reya do? Skewer that arrogant man with her saber? " Annoyed by Sigurd's boorishness, Igraine's fair face was flushed and she looked ready to go and skewer him herself, not to mention roast him over a slow fire.

  " She laughed. Yes, Reya actually laughed. She even called Sig a funnyman, " Kahr held out his cup for more tea which Igraine obligingly poured.

  The two of them were sequestered in Igraine's Church dwellings. Igraine much preferred to stay at the Church than to share a room with Miang unless it was absolutely necessary. Kahr had came straight to her after the incident in the briefing hall after giving Sigurd a dressing down for being so insolent in front of Reya. It was doubtful his friend heard anything though, Sigurd never listened.

  " Really! Seems I'm right after all! They are made for each other. Wait until I tell Hyuga. Oh! I do like to be right. Ha, ha! " Igraine's light blue eyes fairly sparkled with mirth.

  " Has Hyuga meet Reya yet and what's this about being right? " Kahr set down his cup and regarded his sister suspiciously.

  " He met her last night at the Church. Anyway, I mentioned to him that Sigurd and Reya would make a perfect couple. I had a feeling that Sigurd would make her laugh and he already did! Best of all, Reya was the one who saved him that night. Talk about fate and coincidence! "

  " She rescued Sig! No wonder the whole affair was kept under wraps. Reya wouldn't want Krelian to know about it. " His voice softened with sympathy as Kahr empathized with Reya.

  Then comprehension dawned upon him. " Jessiah must have known all about it so that's why he was acting so sneaky when I asked him. "

  " Reya told me that Jessiah was around when she was still detained at Security headquarters. Anyway... "

  The single word spoke volumes even as brother and sister looked at each other from across the room with almost identical expressions of speculation.

  They faced each other across the deserted weapons hall cautiously, primed for the slightest hint of movement. Her practice blade held in guard position, Reya was contented to wait. She was proud of Kahr, he had improved significantly; scoring on her twice. Yet, those hits did not come without a price, Reya had retaliated and she had deprived him of the pleasure of drawing first blood.

  She paid close attention to his eyes, expecting the telltale flicker that always gave his intentions away. The subtle shift in his eyes was barely detectable but she caught it and was ready as he moved. Having anticipated the style of the attack Kahr would exercise, Reya decided to give him a surprise.

  Instead of evading the blade that was streaking straight at her, Reya lashed out at the last minute. The flat of her sword slapped Kahr's with a resounding clang, the force deflecting his saber way off its intended course. Pivoting on her heel, she twirled right into the range of his exposed back. Kahr tried to recover but he was too late as he felt the light tap at the back of his neck.

  Barely allowing him to catch his breath, Reya initiated a close proximity offensive. Weaving her sword in a hypnotic dance of shimmering steel, she brushed aside his feeble defense without any sights of slowing to score a series of hits in rapid succession. Knowing full well, he was no match for her speed, Kahr countered with his only advantage: power.

  Not giving her the opportunity to disengage and retreat, Kahr locked Reya's blade with his own in a bold maneuver that brought them hilt to hilt. Using his height as leverage, he gradually applied pressure to bring her down. Cinched in such a disadvantageous position, Reya was not inclined to test her strength against her brother. There was no doubt who would be the loser.

  Deciding to gamble, she released the saber held in her right hand simultaneously as she dropped into a roll. Tumbling in the direction of her falling sword, Reya snatched it with her left hand. It was an ingenious move but Kahr was not ready to concede the victory so close to hand. He improvised quickly slamming into her with his shoulder.

  Sigurd was intent, never taking his eyes off her for a single moment. What gave you the idea he was my lover? You are a funnyman, Sigurd Harcourt... Her words were echoing in his head and her laughter was like a haunting bell that resounded in his ears, making his soul resonate. He would never forget that fateful encounter with her as long as he lived.

  None of the numerous women he had encountered; had ever captured his attention so completely like Reya did. Her emerald eyes and ebony hair mesmerized Sigurd but she frightened him as well. No one had looked at him the way she did; not Hyuga, not Jessiah and not even Kahr who could be considered his best friend. With one glance, Reya had stripped away the darkness that shrouded him, leaving him so vulnerable. He was like an open book to her but yet she remained a mystery.

  Observing her spar with Kahr closely, Sigurd was amazed by her agility and skill. Reya was almost like one entity with the sword she wielded, it being a natural extension of her. She was a pleasure to watch, each movement fluid and graceful like a dancer's and Sigurd was glad that he had decided to come despite of the afternoon's incident. Reya and Kahr were fully engrossed in their competition; their fight was intense, going beyond simple sparring as the two opponents pitted wits, skills and experience against each other.

  As he watched her struck Kahr across the torso with a barrage of lighting slashes, an image flashed across Sigurd's mind: a pale white corpse lay out on a steel stretcher covered with an even whiter cloth. In the course of the attempt to discover his rescuer's identity, Sigurd had visited the coroner's office. It had simply been an easy matter of charming the coroner's female assistant into letting him read the report on his death assailant.

  The man had been killed by a single thrust of a sharp bladed weapon through the jugular and his body was marked by a series of deep slashes possibly caused by the same weapon. Sigurd had asked what sort of weapon it could be and the answer was probably a saber and the wielder was someone who was very highly proficient with the blade in question. Could it have been her? The notion lodged itself into his mind. As far as he knew, not many people in Jugend used sabers as a weapon and none were as adept as the two who dueled before him.

  Kahr would have acknowledged the fact openly if he had been the one to save him furthermore there would not have been that strange sense of secrecy that shrouded the whole incident. Sigurd was musing over this when Kahr slammed into Reya, sending her flying with the impact. Her body hit the floor hard with a thud, her sword spinning away from her grasp. Without fully realizing what he did, Sigurd had jumped to his feet and was by Reya's side even before Kahr could react.

  She felt the force keenly as her body collided with the hard unforgiving floor even as a grasp of pain escaped her lips. Reya's vision blurred and she could feel the world falling away into a hazy blackness. A quiet and peaceful darkness just like her dream.

  A dream or was it a nightmare?

  But there was no sound of dripping water but a pleasant gentle warmth that was touched her face and neck so lightly that Reya was not sure if she had imagined it. No, it was not her imagination; the warmth was real and this time it remained a soft pressure on her temples. Reya would have been contented to tarry a little longer in this dream state however, she was pulled back into reality just as swiftly as she had fallen away from it.

  Reya fought to keep her eyes closed and return to the serene darkness but light intruded, sweeping all traces of the shadows away. She gingerly opened her eyes and gazed into a sea of the most beautiful sapphire blue. Reya blinked in confusion, the last thing she remembered was trying a daring maneuver on Kahr and now she was glancing at heaven. Reya shut her eyes, unable to comprehend what had happened. The warm pressure was still on her brow though and now it moved down, brushing over her eyelids an encouragement to open her eyes and see again.

  Her vision slowly swam back into focus and Reya discovered that it was not an azure sea that she saw before but his eyes, Sigurd Harcourt's eyes. He was leaning over her so close that she could feel his breath on her face and that gentle warmth was his hand, which still lingered over her temples.

  " Are you alright? " His voice mirrored the concern in his eyes.

  As Sigurd drew back, more faces came into view. Kahr, Igraine, Hyuga and Jessiah's, watching her with anxiety. Now that her wits have recovered, Reya found herself flat on her back on the exact spot where she had crashed. Gradually, a dull pain started to throb, spreading throughout her body.

  " Ugh. I'm fine though more than a little sore. You beat me good and proper this time, Kahr. " Reya started to sit herself up slowly and was surprised when she felt Sigurd's arms around her shoulders, supporting her.

  " Are you really alright? I'm sorry, Reya, I should not have done that. I'll never forgive myself if you got hurt. Hyuga, could you go and fetch a medic? " Kahr kneeled by her side, clasping one of her hands.

  " I'm fine, Kahr, I really am. There's no need to send for a medic, Hyuga. If anything is really hurt, it's just my pride. I didn't expect to lose this fight but there won't be a next time that's for sure. "

  " What Reya needs now is rest, Kahr, and she won't get it with us hanging around. It's getting late and you two have been at each other for hours. Sigurd, would you mind seeing Reya back to her quarters at the Lab? It's far and I don't want her walking the streets alone in her condition, " Igraine requested as she helped Reya to her feet.

  Before Reya could voice any protest, Jessiah smoothly cut her off. " I agreed with Igraine. It's already dark and you know how dangerous the streets can be at night. I've promised Raquel to be home early if not I would have gladly escorted you back myself, Reya. That was really some match. Do invite me again the next time. Goodnight everyone and Sigurd, sent her home. "

  " Now that's an order I won't refuse. Don't worry, Igraine, I'll see to Reya's safety. "

  As if on cue, Jessiah 's departure saw the rest biding their goodnights until Reya and Sigurd were the only people left. Sigurd stooped gracefully to pick up her forgotten practice blade and returned it to its place on the racks. She was in pain; he had sensed that clearly when he braced her to sit up. Reya had purposely hid it from everyone, reassuring them that she was fine. Her face was now ashen with the effort to keep her pain at bay so that it would not be visible to him. He caught her as she swayed unsteadily.

  " Igraine was right, you are in no shape to make it back to the Lab yourself, " Without a warning, Sigurd swept Reya into his arms, carrying her.

  " What are you doing? Please put me down, Sigurd. " Even her voice was a soft whisper.

  " You are hurting. " It was a statement, not a question.

  Sigurd fixed her with his piercing blue eyes, daring her to prove him wrong. Reya looked away instead. His pace was fast, covering the ground with a smooth flowing gait so that he would not jolt her. She was light, an unsubstantial weight in his arms.

  " Why did you not let Kahr sent for the medic? "

  " I didn't want them to worry...Argh! " Reya bit back her words with a cry of pain.

  " What's wrong!? "

  " My arm... I think I must have dislocated it when I hit the floor. "

  " You must have been in shock after the impact and now the effects are wearing off. We better see to your arm fast, " Sigurd changed direction and headed for his own quarters instead, as they were much nearer.

   Both of them were aware that they made a fine spectacle for anyone still out and about in Jugend. Tongues would definitely wag the next morning and tales would be spread on how Sigurd Harcourt, the resident bad boy was seen carrying the new female Tri-Element into his accommodations. But they could not care less at the moment; Reya was in too much pain.

  It was with relief that Sigurd finally saw the confines of his tiny room. Laying her gently down on his bed, Sigurd was struck by the irony. Here was a beautiful, desirable woman in his bed and yet making love to her was the last thing on his mind. Her brow was wet with cold sweat and her eyes were firmly shut in an attempt to blot out the agony. Sigurd brushed away the damp strands of Reya's hair that was plastered to her face as he propped her up with pillows.

  " Reya... I'm going to examine your arm to see if it's broken. I'll try to be gentle but it might hurt. I can fix a dislocation but if it's broken, I'll have to send for a medic. "

  Eyes closed, Reya nodded her understanding and mentally prepared herself. Pushing back the right sleeve of her uniform, Sigurd proceeded to remove her glove after putting aside his own. Again, he was amused by his own behavior. With any other women, it would have been a deliberate act of seduction but with Reya, it was purely a logical response so that he could ascertain the cause of her injury. Besides, she was not even looking at him.

  Sigurd touched her arm as lightly as he could but try as he did he could not avoid adding to her discomfort. She winced a little every time his fingers contacted with her skin. Never thought there'll be a time when my touch would hurt a woman instead of giving pleasure...

  " It's not broken, is it? "

  " No, it 's just a dislocation. Do you trust me to set it for you or... "

  " It's alright, Sigurd. I trust you. "

  I trust you...

  And those three simple words that sank deep into his heart. Sigurd looked up from tending her arm and glanced straight into Reya's iridescent green eyes. They were almost brutal in their apparent faith and this time instead of recoiling, Sigurd returned their openness with a little of his own. He had barely known her for a day nevertheless he was starting to get a feeling that Reya would become much more to him than any other woman he would ever know.

  Reya pushed herself away from the soft buttress of the pillows and put her left arm against the wall to fortify her body for what was to come. Sigurd moved closer to sit by her side as he placed one hand on her shoulder and the other cradling her right arm. Taking a deep breath, Reya gave him a curt nod to indicate she was ready.

  " Let's get it over and done with, shall we? " With a swift jerk, Sigurd yanked her arm back into alignment.

  The backlash of the abrupt wrench sent Reya right into Sigurd's chest with a startled grasp. However, he was denied the chance of her leaning against him as she drew away just as quickly. Sigurd surprised himself with the strange sense of disappointment he felt. Some instinct told him that she was not accustomed to being cared for by a man or perhaps it was just because they were just acquainted.

  " Thank you, Sigurd. I'll be able to get back to the Lab on my own. You don't have to accompany me if you don't want to, " Withdrawing her hand that was still in Sigurd's clasp, Reya swung her feet over the bed and stood up.

  No intending to let the opportunity slip away, Sigurd voiced his doubts as just she made her way to the threshold of his small quarters.

  " You saved me that night, didn't you? "

  She paused with her hand resting upon the door's keypad.

  It was a moment before Reya replied, her back facing him. " Yes, I did. How did you know? No one was supposed to find out. "

" I deduced it when I saw the move you used on Kahr. The strokes matched the wounds found on my dead assailant. "

  " Why? " Sigurd came across the small distance that separated them, placing his hands on her shoulders as he turned her around to face him.

  " Why? Was saving me so shameful a deed that you have to hide it? If that is so why didn't you let those Gazel kill me then? You Gazel never cared for the lives of us Lambs anyway, " His voice could not fully concealed the contempt.

  " No... There was no shame in saving your life. And no, I'm not one of them. I am not a Gazel, " Reya raised her head which had been bowed all the while, returning his accusing glance with her usual candor.

  " I will only say this once to you, Sigurd Harcourt. Whether you chose to believe it or not that is your own freedom, " She sighed and continued on in a weary tone.

  " Lives... are precious to me, regardless of whether they belong to Gazel or Lambs. I will never take a life without... a reason. If you think I enjoy killing that Gazel youth to save you, you are wrong. "

  " Laugh if you want but know this...I am neither Gazel nor Lamb. What I am, I do not even know myself. "

  With that cryptic statement, Reya touched the keypad, opening the door. Closing her own hands upon Sigurd's wrists, she detached his grip on her shoulders and stepped out without another word.

  Lives are precious to me... I will never take a life without... a reason... If you think I enjoy killing that Gazel youth to save you, you are wrong... For the second time in the same day, her words echoed in his mind again. I am neither Gazel nor Lamb. What I am, I do not even know myself... Sigurd had been taken back when Reya had said that. He had been wrong about her and with a sudden flash of insight, Sigurd realized why she had to keep her identity secret. He was out of the door in a second.

  He found her slumped against a wall, a block away from his quarters, gathering her rapidly dwindling strength to move on. Reya's steps were unstable and she had to lean against the wall as a support to keep from falling. She walked on resolutely, a frail shadow beneath the harsh glaring light of the street lamps. Sigurd ran after her, complied by an overwhelming desire to... protect her.

  Hearing footsteps following her, Reya turned to be enveloped by Sigurd's arms. They encircled her, trapping her body against his in an embrace. Worn and battered by her experiences in this single night, Reya was in no mood to consider another fight. But damned if she had to fend off a lustful man, she would certain raise some hell.

  " As I said before, you are in not shape to make it back to the Lab. And I did promise Igraine and Jessiah to see you back personally, " Sigurd spoke softly.

  Her head pressed against his chest, Reya could hear the sound of his heart beating. It was a steady comforting rhythm just like the sound of the dripping water of her dreams. She had been stiff as a board when he enfolded her now knowing his intentions she relaxed, almost going limp in Sigurd's arms.

  " If you want to fulfill that promise, I hope you can be quick about it. I'm getting too tired to stand. "

  Without further ado, Sigurd cheerfully obliged, shifting his arms to her back and knees to carry her. Like before, he covered the distance swiftly as he bore her towards the direction of Krelian's Lab. They traveled through the empty streets of Upper Etrenank in a comfortable silence, neither of them having an inclination to speak.

  Carrying Reya in his arms, Sigurd felt the same sense of protectiveness washed over him again. It felt so right to hold her close to him and not in that carnal way that he always experienced when with his many previous lovers. Someone to love and be faithful to... and to think that I would find her here in Solaris... Could this be possible? Or am I just wishful thinking?

  Approaching the gates of the Lab, Reya broke the silence. " Sigurd, please leave me here. I can make it inside on my own. This place must have held a lot of ... unpleasant memories for you. I'm sorry... " Her tone was apologetic.

  " You knew about my past...? " Sigurd could not help but feel a little perturbed. She knew almost everything about him but besides what she had said to him this night, she was a total enigma. Putting Reya down, he beheld the cage where he had lived as a human guinea pig.

  " Jessiah told me... You must have hated it here. I am aware of all the experiments conducted here but... " The words trailed off as Reya keyed in her access code. " You better head back, it's late and Jugend's not that near. We still have a class to teach tomorrow morning. Rest well, Sigurd and... thank you. "

  Only long after the portals have slid shut, did Sigurd realize he had not said goodnight to her.